415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Conan is tough to remake, I didn’t even watch that remake movie. Arnold is kind of a dick but he is Conan, between being a very successful body builder and his unique personality, it just worked. It might be a role we can never replicate and maybe shouldn’t try to.

Boo, do Solla Sollew!

I really want that to be leaked... Maybe we can crowdfund to get someone to release it.

Screw Jackie Chan, government puppet

Wow, the only Subaru I had was a 1983 and it was no problem.

Well I like this edition better, the new one looks like a Japanese manga novel that got a special edition. I lived in Japan for years, reminds me of one I can’t remember the name of.

I had a 2000 Nissan SEV6 Frontier and you need a three foot extension to get the back plug. It also helps to have someone feel from underneath and guide it. 

These people are the Taliban of the USA, they will use whoever they can to get their Christian caliphate. 

I just saw this, this is fucking hilarious and so close to true. I have to share it around, it’s the only joy I’ve had today.

I went to college but I can’t do anything that is on their immigration wish list. Apparently half of the USA is mentally deficient, Hawaii feels like another country to be honest, I don’t know anything about the Black/White tension, haoles get all the shit in Hawaii and I have always felt disconnected from the people

Every educated German, Swede etc.. I’ve ever met speaks English as well as I do! I’m from Hawaii and I’ve wanted to live in NZ since I was a kid, I loved it there. It has mountains and surfing but more space and a more diverse ecosystem. Hawaii gets small. BUT, every person I hear go on a rant these days say I want to

Trump should be the one to die, on the toilet is my wish. They try to cover it up but then it’s leaked that he died right on the throne. 

I got some tincture called sleepy time as a sleep aid. Then covid happened and I started taking it a couple hours earlier. I did that for the whole lockdown. Then I quit because I felt kind of floaty the next day. Now its the election and all this other shit, fires here... I’m back at it!

Hmm. I work on shows in SF and we are locked down. I usually do the Auto Show there. 

I hated it because they changed the whole interface, it’s really annoying. 

They are doing it in Finland, they had a story on NPR, it’s working quite well, even detection before the regular tests.

Praise be, under his eye

No idea why you spent a month working on that, Europe has a bunch of affordable, interesting vehicles...