415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

I’ve seen quite a lot of those in bad shape in various places in Asia. The old Mazdas too. 

This is where the French have lost me, it doesn’t feel right at all. 

Worms Just Wanna Have Fun? 

I grew up when the movie came out so Dune is very much set in my mind as that. Their uniforms in this remind me of anime like Last Exile, which I like too. Dune 2049 a bit, not totally but I get that vibe. I love 2049 so I’m not upset. I hope it’s really good. I hope the Floyd is just for the trailer, it was weird

That was a step in the right direction, the original series had some guys in brown face I guess you could call it! Once it was a good thing they shouldn’t have just changed it completely, it doesn’t make any sense for someone who has watched shows and the original cast movies. It’s like changing how a race in Star

Kimi also didn’t have the tires he wanted. 

Well the new Klingon design bugged me, I don’t see why they did that, they were great the way they were, it was just too far. Undiscovered Country was a little over the top in a different way, by DS9 and Voyager I think it settled on a good design. No Birds of Prey! How dare they! 

Nothing can really lower my opinion of him, I do enjoy hearing what a scumbag he is, we know it though. I’d prefer to never hear from him again.

It stays up for months, I would say it is way past testing, it has been synched with Afghanistan, it has a bay like a space shuttle. I think they can swap out lots of things it carries. I bet it’s totally operational and very busy up there. I was a Marine Intel officer. 

They can’t even build a good aircraft carrier and run flight operations safely, they have killed a lot of pilots, they try to hide that fact. The X-37B is past testing, it is a busy little bee up there. 

Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, drumpf supporters, who would have guessed?

This whole thing has become way more bizarre than I ever thought possible. I don’t think I will really be able to relax until he is out of office, it’s like he just does this to irritate everyone. Dead would be better, I have hoped it would be on the toilet, they would try to cover it up but then it is leaked. 

You just can’t make this shit up. 

He would be a good six fingered man

I think you mean prune juice

Seeing the horrible new “Defender” being destroyed gives me joy.