I saw a Sterling today in LA. Dude was under the hood working on something.
I saw a Sterling today in LA. Dude was under the hood working on something.
No, in the film days you would have to know your shots BEFORE you wasted rolls and rolls of film. You’d have to plan out and test various films to know what traits each one had.Some were more contrasty, some had more grain, some shifted yellow in sunlight, some shifted blue. etc etc.
Absolutely. Herb Ritts, Ansel, Avedon, all spent hours in the dark room. making custom batches of developers for film processing, doing exposure tests on various papers to see which ones held the best tone and contrast, testing various films to know reciprocity, real ISO/ASA ratings, grain size, and spending hours…
I highly recommend you sit in on a high level commercial car shoot. 13 hours, 10-15 different light set ups, moving and placing the car (since you can’t always move the camera when shooting multiple plates in case you need to re-do a shot) , detailing the car between every new shot, and don’t forget the client is…
That may be the standard now, but real pro’s try and get 90% in camera or they plan and map out shots specifically for post production compositing.
Alanis, I always enjoy your articles, but I’m bummed there isn’t a description as to exactly what the IIHS means when they say “good” or “acceptable” headlights. Do they mean the quality of the light? The output of the light? the kelvin temperature of the light? The actual material of the headlight and how it reacts…
Well, with that mileage and the amount of time its been sitting I’m guessing every belt, hose, and bushing will probably need to be replaced. And let’s not forget the head gasket on that era v6, its probably already blown.
I think the biggest issue will be the fact that not every model will get the stripped down treatment. people would love a stripped down eco boost mustang, but instead Ford will only provide a stripped down 2wd Ford F150 or C Max.
I guess this is what happens when Stance Bros get their dream jobs......
I was looking at a few of these while also looking at a Montero. The one I did find in Los Angeles (Andrew, there’s one on Fairfax and Jefferson at the gas station) was in such bad shape that I had to pass.
Wow! Who could have imagined a performance car from a giant performance car manufacturer with 50+ years of performance car engineering experience would out-do a young boutique auto manufacturers sedan that is almost 50% less expensive in a head to head test.
Good. That ref deserves to get locs in every item of food he orders for the rest of his biased life. Smug little chump. Imagine being so lowly and weak you get joy from harassing a high school kid.
Buy a mid-2000's G wagen. The body style hasn’t changed a lot, so it still looks current. Very stout 4wd, powerful, and there are some on auto trader for under 30k.
His ideas surpassed his capability and patience.
Ron, I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again- You deserve no slack or sympathy. You hoarded these cars with no realistic plan to ever have them on the road. People came and asked you to sell them, and you laughed at them and sent them on their way. You gloated over all the “rare”, “Worth something”, “Perfectly…
Someone really hates their HOA.
Some people are blind to the color beige.
the RX is kinda like the is300 SportCross if the IS was FWD and swollen from a bad reaction to shellfish.
Thanks for reminding me that there was life before cars! I totally left that out of my perspective but it makes absolute sense.
Wow, that is certainly a very unique situation. I wonder how many cities have that architectural hurdle?Do you think it is most prevalent on the East Coast?