
There is new zoning in certain cities that require new commercial residential construction to have off-street parking for each residence.

Weird, how does that work exactly? One drive way (that is approx the length of one car) that leads to parking for 2-or more cars seems as if it would alleviate crowded parking on the street? 

You know, to really screw with them, the fine folks of NYC should vote to require all personal/private residences over a certain square footage to install off street parking.

LOLz. I forgot to add in his estimated net worth is 150 million dollars. It makes more sense to list Mark Zuckerberg as a deity than this guy. 

I’ll go out on a limb here and say that the dalai lama is a lame. He’s never worked a day in his life. He’s had every want and need provided to him. He’s never suffered, he’s never known hardship or  been called on to sacrifice personal comfort for someone else’s benefit. It’s pretty easy to sit on a throne that was

Crew chief- “Hey Thompson, you ever set up an airlift with a litter before?”

The same people who looooooove La Croix are the same people who think jasmine rice is an exotic meal. 

You know, I used to think New Yorkers were a tough and vigilant group of people who didn’t put up with crap.... but the stuff that people let slide on the daily is so pathetic.

There were a couple reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is the fragility of radiators and the conditions of roads and driving environs back then.


Aesthetics are subjective.

True, and on the flip side of that HOA’s are often run by old hermits who have no sense of community or actual laws. 

Yea, I know. 

Seriously, the epicness of Hubert laws, Eric Dolphy, James Moody, Frank Wess... I can go on about how many non wypipo groove on the wind vibes.

I mean, I love patina , and do not disagree with Torch that it is fitting for his truck, but let us be real here..... while the look is appropriate for the truck it is not appropriate for the truck within the jurisdiction of the HOA where the owner has chosen to live.

And no one did anything to stop her? I’ve seen folks get socked in the face for being on the wrong block and yet this individual gets a pass?

I feel like Pimp My Ride is the only show that airs in whatever eastern euro shit town this thing comes from.

Now playing

And don’t forget about this clip from 2016:

This is obviously why Fiat wanted to purchase them so badly. Not so FIAT could learn new and better ways for processes and engineering, but rather because they had flaws and problems that FIAT felt at home with. 

Great write little write up. This is also why I don’t take buying advice from a majority of the YouTube car channels. (Especially Hoovies Garage!! Love that channel, but holy shit that dude just pukes money into every car he has ever bought... Kansas must have super low overhead)