Compared to the Delica 4x4 from the 90s..... this front bumper couldn’t clear the driveway transition at the Beverly Center.
Compared to the Delica 4x4 from the 90s..... this front bumper couldn’t clear the driveway transition at the Beverly Center.
I really love Jalopnik, but can we stop ruining the car market for everyone? Like, can some things just be kept between actual car fans who still go out and find these gems on their own....
So, is this the canary (or the Camry! get it!!) in the coal mine for the pending subprime carpocalypse?
From here on out known as “keeper vehicles”.
I’ve been to Georgia, plenty of older white ladies sound like that.
Riiiiiiiiight, “because they want to.”
Not sure what your point is. Yes, people move, but why should a person who owns a house tear down their home?
I know! All we would need to do is evict the people living in those things called houses and then we could build away!
Totally... build more housing. Since there is just an abundance of space to build in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and NYC. I can’t tell you how many times, while walking in these cities, I think to myself “Wow, I feel like I’m in Kansas with so much open space not already occupied by buildings.”
totally agree with this!
You are what is known as a finance manager.
I think every true gear-head has been in this position.
When I lived in Hawaii 4 and 5 was never an issue. But now, when I need to drive to Seattle from LA, it becomes a bit of an adrenaline dump.
Right! My favorite is the seller saying “Check engine light is on but its nothing major.” And I’m like , “then why didn’t you fix it?”
I’m usually full of sarcasm and would mention something about an Audi AllRoad or a V10 M5, or anything David Tracy owns, but in all seriousness it’s time to give up your car if:
I support this idea.
I’m congratulating the fact that this situation specifically was resolved. Im applauding the fact that 2 people came together in real life, faced each other, and called a truce.
Haha, I mean, thats what most people would feel like doing. But if you’d like to avoid prosecution and criminal defense fees I’d say just avoid places like this.
What he has or has not learned isn’t my point, my point is in this particular situation the resolution between both parties was substantial and representative of interaction IRL, as opposed to virtue signaling judgments based entirely on the web.