I feel like I’d be more worried about all my former customers coming after me. Especially if any of them had tuning or mechanical issues after leaving AMP.
I feel like I’d be more worried about all my former customers coming after me. Especially if any of them had tuning or mechanical issues after leaving AMP.
Seems insane that they can request financing on a car they already have. Wouldn’t it make more sense to request financing and THEN the car gets sent to the dealer?
Ryan, can you clarify something for me, the “floor plan” financing.... how exactly does that work? Since in the article you mention they got financing on a car they already had???
While I have a couple questions , my main concern is; what is wrong with her mouth? Is she eating marbles? Dentures about to pop out? Meth?
That 8 series is inspiring!
I just talked to my uncle about this. He restored a 1962 swb 250GT for Pebble Beach. 250k sounds like a bargain on that scale compared to what he put in as far as time.
Now I understand why I see many older, and rare, classics with some super weird mods/customization.
McGlockton did not instigate the conflict, correct, he did escalate it by pushing the guy down because IN FLORIDA you never know what the person is carrying.
The shooting was totally unjustified no matter which way you slice it, but the thing that bothers me is that why.......WHY, in Florida, in 2018, with everything we see on the news about assaults on POC, would Mr McGlockton push a crazy ass white dude for yelling?
Goddammit, are you spying on me?
This will be perfect for that slightly pudgy, under achieving 4th grader who is really good at video games and can’t wait to work in IT while owning a vape-mod.
Can you imagine what happens when she goes to get her kids from school?!
But without 1200+ HP how am I ever going to do a Jalopnik approved burnout or drift?
I was on my way to Lake Havasu once (Don’t judge me!). A car screamed past me on the freeway and one of the passengers threw a beer can out of the sun roof when it got in front of me.
The series after this one was not well received. The Triple K.
Thanks for this!
I’m so into this idea!