
Oh! An email telling folks to be inclusive. Real effective.

Holy shit this is ugly. Is this a mash-up of some weird 70s malaise are cars that some Shriner did in his garage?

You’re totally right, I misread my math and figured above the monthly payment.

Oh, your totally right.  

Not trying to be adversarial, I’m just trying to understand this reasoning-

This is true for the first 2-3 years.

Paying an additional $18000 over the sale price of the car is worth it?

Wait, you pay approx $300-$450 per month plus insurance for 72 months? That comes out to about 32k at the end of the term, and since you’ll need full coverage until the car is paid off, thats an additional $7k (approx based on average full coverage insurance rates ) The car will have a resale value (based on 2012

I had an 87 SR5 4runner with about 500k on it. All original. Top had never been off.

The Honda Prelude will certainly come up in value. Especially the Si and 4 wheel steering versions.

Well no shit.

Hahaha. Don’t encourage me.

No. Just a quad shot of espresso.

I have this same problem with Omaha. So fast and elusive, always in a hurry and hard to nail down. I can never seem to catch up to it. It’s disappointing to see that even with hundreds of horsepower on tap that there is yet another geographic location that remains hard to catch.

Title should have read- Freelance part-time hack writer with dreams of doing anything other than shlepping his poorly written articles to whoever will buy it, wishes for a higher level of success in any career other than his current hack occupation, phones in review of movie with facts that have no supporting basis

Wheels? in California? Nah, no one cares. Wheels, rust, no brakes, no turn signals, HID lights with no projector lenses to blind everyone on the road, bald tires, sharp metal objects plied 9 feet over the cab of your truck= All Good!

Thanks a lot Raph. Rent just went up in that area by 30% since the posting of this article.

Just like any _1320 page on instagram.

I’m so sorry about your HEAD INJURY.