40oz Malt Burlap

That’s counterproductive. What’s done is done. If they voted Trump, they will lie or have already lied about 2016. The liars might vote for him again because you’re kinda being unforgiving about this with a dollop of self-righteous doucheyness on top of it all.

You can’t be serious!

How do you still not have those options with easy garlic?

OMG, this “cool, dry place” shit always pisses me off to no end. It ain’t like apartment dwellers have microclimates, it ain’t like... you see where I am going with this? WTF am I supposed to do when my home is cold and dry (my small northern home), it is hot and humid (my small southern apartment), or hot and dry (my

Hmmm, this took me all the way to rethinking the 2nd Amendment for a moment. Random capitalization has to mean something, right?! Because the text of the 2A uses “people” in the lowercase, which clearly means a second class of People, which in turn is clearly referring to robots aka bots. So, maybe, just maybe 2A is

When you selected Prime/Two Day shipping, did you actually look at the ETA date? I learned long ago to double check this because there are simply times when the ETA date is clearly 3+ days out if you look closely. It is rare that the ETA date has ever been wrong. When it appears that the ETA will be wrong, I get an

Yeah, still using USB products from 10+ years ago is not ideal, esp. that garbage coming out of China in the mid-aughts.

Either go big or go home. Because where is our BBQ sauce slice, mustard slice, hummus slice, cream cheese slice, tabasco slice, salad dressing slice, etc?