40oz Malt Burlap

While I agree with the author, stick shaped + being fried = fries, no? Also, Americans are fucking idiots. Seacrest out.

That’s because typewriters used monospaced type, and, yes, it was beneficial to use double spaces with monospaced type. So, yes, you are correct in that regard.

Five * two dollars = $10.

Worked family law for awhile. Nobody is sane in the field, the attorneys or clients. I went in with a lot of false hope due to an internship at which my supervising attorney was the bees knees. She was an awesome woman. But after I left, I learned it was all a facade. Jumped from firm to firm and bailed on it

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Thanks, dad. Day drinking gets me again. And no, 4/5/6 speed manuals, depending upon mood.

Like me!

Nope. Nope. Nope. Double-spacing is an insult upon the eyes. It is unnatural and was never used at time immemorial. Never. You are going against Au Naturale. You want double-spacing? You go live in the fucking city, you heathen.

Double-spacing’s usage is only acceptable in monospaced type. Even then it is on its way out. Double spaces in proportional type has NEVER been proper. Never.

Oh, gawd, perms aren’t making a cumback, are they?

If there is no temporarily authorized “start engine by app” feature/gadget, forget it. I am not lending out a set of keys to thieves for copying and boosting later. Surely, this has been thought of, so how is this prevented?

You want to catch balls that are falling toward you, not away from you. This is especially the case for catchers and their mitts. That’s the pitcher’s ball, but pitchers suck at pretty much everything except getting the ball to the plate from the mound. Even then that is a mighty struggle for many.

Wow, overcompensate much? Wonder what shortcoming requires this sort of reaction.

Okay, fine. Let’s play a game of Let’s See Who Lives.

Now playing

treacly adj. /ˈtrik(ə)li/ 1. overly sentimental with a whopping dollop of entitled smarm. Usage: 

His why wait thinking is better thought of as why leave behind those who may seek revenge. Be happy that Trump doesn’t extend that line to its logical, natural, but insane conclusion: wiping everything and everybody from the planet except white American East coast males*, their female fuckhole breeders, and slave

Or at least all the work friends of the photography editor.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Too true! I am French-American, so I use the size of Andre the Giant’s clenched fist as my barometer.

In all my days, this is the very first time I have ever laughed or appreciated Garfield. Thank you for making my day. It feels good to get over being so stubborn continuing to hold an opinion formed years ago for reasons long forgotten. Oh, right, that Jon dude.