Fight the machine

Maybe they didn't grow up Honda fans and are looking at it objectively and seeing it's the same as it every was vs people who remember the third gen integras fondly and are mad they didn't produce a car that made you feel the same way.  I have a couple Honda fan friends and they don't like it but they also view the

When I asked one of my friends why she had a F150 with leather heated seats for thier ranch she said it's nice to get into a comfortable truck when you're working hard.  I do agree, most farmers and ranchers seem to have a pickup to do most of what the roxor does, I do think of you had a lot of fense to patrol a

Theses aren’t a typical side by side though, they solid axels on leaf springs so a Jeep would probably cover ground more quickly and smoothly.  Unless you are in the market for a fast tractor I don't see much point to this

I have a hard time imagining a farmer not just getting a normal side by side that rides better and covers ground faster.  I like the roxer as a novelty but as far as getting actual work done I don't see much point

If I cant leave the freeway under threshold braking into a test stop and have a nascar pit crew charge it in under 20 seconds it doesn’t work for me.

These cars were a lot like Nickelback, they sold well, at times were a guilty pleasure and everyone later hated on them. I remember Mopar action had a hemi PT Cruiser on the cover months after they got the market and people may have paid over sticker for one

Lol, I’m just imaging a guy with a flat brim and vape pen being offered a WRX and saying, “Nah, I’m good”. That is a hilarious way to hit rock bottom

Honestly i think the best way to look at it is as a faster civic sport touring with the 6 speed, which makes it a compelling choice.  A couple grand more for 20+ more hp and a nice place to be when you are behind the wheel.

I think Honda fans connect with iconic nameplates on an emotional level from when they were coming of age and a ten year old model was the most exciting car they could afford. They old models occupied the same space styling and performance wise when they were new as they do now, but because use that was the fastest

The broad powerband of the 1.5 turbo makes it surprisingly quick. The civic sport with a 6 speed hits 60 in 6.7 seconds.  For someone who has a daily driver, is in thier 30s that cat and platform offers a really nice compromise between economy and fun driving.  That would make a nice base engine for the Acura with the

Maybe the good standard for rotting out your exhaust as quickly as possible.  Unless you have a turbo you are probably better off with nothing and a heat shield than rubbing exhaust wrap

Viper V10s were aluminum, the engine probably weighs less than the 6 that came in it, although the rest of the drivetrain probably makes up for it.  

Not just ugly, flimsy and rattly as hell.  It's maybe the only car i imagine you could improve gutting the interior for a race car.

Good luck. It’s seems like a 3.8 firebird can be had for almost nothing, I got one for free just to haul it off but anything Camaro/Firebird with a V8 is either more than a C5 Corvette or affordable but the seller is impossible to deal with.

Seriously, I autocross and we almost lost a site because the shift manager told someone not to smoke next to oxygen tanks and the guy mouthed off to him.  Worst part is the school I work at had a great parking lot and I could get approval for the club to use it but I don't want to deal with the fallout when a bunch of

Honestly I agree. It’s horrible and he needs some punishment but at his age his brain isn’t developed in a way to understand the risks of his behavior.  Honestly letting your kids get behind the when of a car that day without supervision is a failure as a parent but that's a different discussion. 

Theses things have bottomed out in price.  Buy it, enjoy it, take care of it and in a few years walk away from it with pretty much all your money back.  Seems like a nice deal to me

The sport with the 1.5 is no longer the value it once was. I have the 10th gen sport and it made the case that for most the Si want good value or a good choice.  It looks like now the Si will be relevant because it's costly to get the 1.5 6 speed otherwise.  It would have been great to do the Si get better because the

I don't know what school you went to but the vandalizm at the school where I teach is worse than I or anyone I know has seen.  There were always a few cases for sure but there were more in the first month than there typically are in a year, they even had to shut down one bathroom for a while.  

Agreed, my wife had one when we got married.  The warranty had so many stipulations on the transmission replacement when they finally agreed it was going out, this was after years of the transmission overheating and going into limp mode, that they wanted us to buy a 2-3k pcm or the transmission wouldn't be