Fight the machine

Honestly it just sounds like you need a second commuter car. Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic. If you want something fun that can also fit some groceries, just about any two door sportscar fits the bill save a Lotus Elise, but that’s well outside your budget anyway. I know you need room for a dog, but dogs fit in the

Honda Fit

In all honesty, this comes back to the fundamental question: what is the point of a digital licence plate if it’s not for this sort of nonsense? It’s more expensive than stamped aluminium, requires power, can fail, and can be tampered with in an occluded manner. Who, other than people looking to commit moving

Times you will expose yourself in the station lot while getting out in a passenger side car when getting gas: Every time you get gas.

This. Plus it’s safer in general and more convenient not to have to walk around the car to fill up. And having the pump on the side of the car closest to the driver means you’re less likely to be exposed to rain, snow and anything else that lurks out there in the darkness.

For Safety reasons, fuel door should be drivers side. Our vehicles programmed to not auto unlock the.doors. When my wife exits the door she does not walk around the car leaving driver door unlocked. Vehicle refueled on driver side near the driver door. Much harder to steal her purse or vehicle.

It’s just so exhausting to have to explain this over and over, isn’t it? The entire g-d point of having something like AM radio around is that cell phones won’t fucking work during a true disaster/emergency, yet people keep shouting “yOu CaN juSt dO iT On YOuR PHoNe!!! It’s as ridiculous as someone arguing that it’s

There are loads of places without great (or any) cell service. And plenty of weather and wildfire emergencies & evacuations that can go from ‘possible’ to ‘imminent’ very quickly. I don’t listen to AM, but having it around as a low-tech option is prudent. Also, we don’t have a radio in the house anymore, so a car

Timberlake greeted the crowd, saying, “So, uh, is there anyone here tonight that is driving? No, I’m just kidding.”

Depends. Would you want to own the pen Hitler used to sign orders? I wouldn’t.

Was Walker’s taste in women problematic? Yes. Would that stop me from buying a car he once owned? No. Would I buy a car just because he owned it? No.

I want the slowly increasing intensity sounds from Jaws. du-dun..... du-dun... du-dun....

Thank You! Jalopnik writers are too damn lazy to find a before picture!

Thanks, since the article mentioned aesthetics I don’t know why they wouldn’t have included a before picture.

Exactly what I was thinking. Why the hell would a car theif take the time to stop and move a road closure sign?

I mean, I want it to die too, but I don’t want it to be because of this. I want it to be because people demanded better of their entertainment, not because someone got hurt/violated.

Miatas are really frustrating to me. I had to sell my ‘18 Fiata because even with my little 29" inseam legs I just could not get the seat back far enough to be comfortable. I would literally be in pain after 30-40 minutes. And with the seat all the way back, you are forced into a bolt-upright seating position by the

They are sweet, but the vehicle has to be minivan-sized for them to work (or, at least have a massive cargo space behind the second seat.

I’ve never seen a mugshot of a guy more named “Cody” than this.

I prefer my current plan of living places where it doesn’t snow. I’ve been a big fan since that happened. 

If it was on autopilot before the ejection, I would start by checking with local departments to see if they are missing an emergency vehicle.