Fight the machine

I have the same thing but 2018.  Love it, and had to wait around for 6 months to see one at the dealership.  

My guess is it’s about the stock prices. Make some news about a change in leadership, announce a plan to bring the company back into profits and keep those shareholders happy. I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone who will likely get a massive severance to not work.

Question 2, I spent all my money on car mods, will the club be providing a helmet?

Does my helmet still have to have a Snell 2010 rating to be effective?

Honestly if you can’t pay it off in five or less years you can’t afford the car. I have always wanted to be out of my payments before I start having potential issues or have late expenses on the car such as tires and timing belts, otherwise you are one problem from being in a world of financial hurt

Indeed.  My smallest car to transport a tuba regularly was a Dodge Neon or Ford fiesta.  The hatchback it's a gamechanger.  In the neon I had to put the tuba in the passenger seat with the bow where the feet do and the bell up top

This makes me laugh because I play tuba and bring the instrument every time I buy a car. My current car is a Civic hatchback which has room for my daughters, wife and a tuba behind the seat. 

I have the 2018.  For me the manual was worth it, but if good infotainment and manual transmission are your primary requirements.  Personally it's not a huge deal, but it is one of my main complaints with the car

I have a sport hatch with the 6 speed and I swear it's the most balanced car out there as far as handling, space, power, safety and MPG.  It's not perfect or the best at anything but it's very competent at most things I need a car for.  If it weren't so ugly and had good infotainment it might be perfect

My guess is people who's income disappeared, can't make the payments and saw an add from a sketchy dealership promising three months with no payments.  I have already seen a few such predatory adds

My second vehicle was an 87 Dakota, my whole family loved that pickup. For it’s day it was a fine machine, two tone blue with a blue Vellore interior.

The problem with the Shelby is any Dakota with the 5.2 magnum is probably going to kick it’s butt. The first magnum V6s had more hp, although less torque.  

Right, minor is a relative term. Just get good pictures and let them tell the story. Rust means different things to different people and can be more relative to age and value. Major rust that requires a full restoration on a numbers matching 4 speed 1970 hemi barracuda is no big deal.  Surface rust on a 2009 Dodge

There is a lot of thought and craftsmanship in this.  I think I appreciate about everything except the hood, I like the grill but I personally would have done it more squared off front to the hood but that's purely taste.  I also like that this is modified in an attempt to look stock.  This is a cool build

I think extra points if your replica can show up to a track event and hang with the real thing

Obviously you have a multiple personality disorder because no one simply buys the cars that are practical, make sense or they personally enjoy.  It has to be for some other reason.

I think GM’s response will be to make a 1500 with all the suspension bits to make it a trophy truck, then put a diesel in it.

I personally would see what shows I could take it too, register it as a Lamborghini and completely deadpan park it and start shining it. I might even get some trifolds with pictures made and document its pedigree.

Tire shops may have a place to store the tires, I know the one my dad worked at for 20 years had a place to store them

Right, this car tells a story of something someone once loved, then made worse by finally got questionable andmods and has gotten to the point where is value was not worth fixing right.  It's time to party it out and save a couple other focuses