Fight the machine

Cross out Plymouth and replace it with VW?

Idk about that, Focus St, RS, Fiesta St and Honda Civic R Type were all 5 door hatches.  Wasn't the WRX hatch also a 5 door?

Didn’t 4wd Astros use that system, the one that was 4wheel drive until you stopped and only one wheel was on ice, then it would sit helplessly spinning

As long as you keep oil in them.  That external oil filter cooler combo was bad for significant oil leaks where the lines entered the adapter by the side of the block.  The upside was with 4' of extensions you could unbolt the lines fairly easily but it all could have been avoided if they had designed the vehicle for

I am surprised not to see tons of support for the mustang. I don’t like them, but they are iconic and have been featured in tons of movies.

I would hate to be the first person who owned one in a red State

I didn’t think about that but it is probably true, and one more indicator of the terrible world we live in.

Onboard with everything except then names, how about Track and Country or Pacifica widebody 1320 so Chrysler could have one more model to put on the website. Grand caravan red-eye, Grand Demon?

Honestly all I see out of this is the path for diesel Rams new advertising. Heck, if Trump rolls back emissions more they can bring back the 12 valve with mechanical fuel injection and have an emp proof, bro dozed car for the global warming hellscape that did more than it’s part to bringo said post apocalyptic world

Also, where is the shootout that makes storm troopers look like Marksman

The drivetrain is more reminiscent of the AC Ace, but still these conversions where they try to make a modern car look like a classic always look terrible.  I don't understand how there is a market for them or why people drop the thousands of dollars to buy the parts, let alone pay a body shop to convert the vile

GTL, Gears, torque and Launch?

Right, the guy was fired for punching his boss because he couldn’t get a hold mean at a hotel because the kitchen was closed. That is one of the most entitled things you could do.

That may be the only wise choice they made all night

Now playing

Any time I see electric cars doing pointless stunts, this clip comes to mind.

Or no response, wait till they come out, copy what works and continue to sell more F150s in the states than pretty much anything.  Getting into a Twitter beef with Elon is bound to get weird like his beef with Porsche

The Walsh reference was pretty sweet, initially I went to the comments to see jokes about the reliability and maserati owners defend their cars because they don't realize every car gets shit on here, but the voting buttons stole the show

Reminds me of the fiberride wheels on Shelby Lancers.  Probably much lighter, but those were also said to be lighter and stronger than aluminium

You had the same observation I did, the V8 cars usually look fairly good for their age, the v6 cars are usually trashed beyond belief.  Often the cigarette Burns on the headliner bent control arms sort of trashed

Theory, Ford sold a lot of V6 mustangs and the people who bought and own then want a “Sporty car” and aren’t the enthusiasts who pay the premium for the more expensive V8 models. I see the same thing with Camaros, if it’s a V6 it looks like 20 percent of the miles covered were while the driver was drunk, if it's a V8