Fight the machine

My wife needed a newer car last summer and I tried like heck to convince her it doesn’t need AWD with no success. I live in Montana and grew up with FWD and 2wd vehicles. Anywho, ended up with an Outback with an extended Warranty. Its already paid out more than we will ever pay in.

Anymore I am just impressed that Uber can add more to their rapsheet and that people still use it. It almost seems like a game.

The biggest point is do you honestly think this is going to do the job better than a cheaper option? Its engineered to fit the rules and requirements of their chassis, and does a good job at it, but that doesnt mean in a car that may have more space, runs significantly less boost, or may have room for a larger but

I don’t know if the amount of money you have relates to your intelligence. As to your second comment, I wouldn’t want an F1 intercooler if I didn’t need a liquid to air intercooler to meet my performance goals, the added weight to install another heat exchanger and pump would not be worth the performance gain, or I

Well, for a starter F1 parts are made to do a very specific thing, very efficiently for a short amount of time. They may not be as durable as needed for a car that has to go thousands of miles without maintenance. In this case, you have a water to air, or perhaps some other liquid since its F1, intercooler that

Unless you bought certain Jeep, Land Rover or Toyota models SUV’s have not been about off road capability for some time. They have been about looking the part for some time. The glut of SUV’s are just another chapter in the book about how consumers don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want regardless of need.

Idk, I have had loud cars and wished I could determine how loud they were at different times. I took the tailpipe of my pickup to see what it would sound like and I’m pretty sure you could hear it in the next county when I pulled into the highway. I like that some of the time, but not when I am pulling a trailer for

I think a nice touch was turning the wheel left and right while bouncing off the rev limiter in neutral. The moment he realizes that cars can more in two dimensions and decides to go around the car in front of him is one of those moments like “2001 a Space Oddyssey” where the monkey discovers it can use its thumb to

I have a E-Mod MGB that is a dedicated Auto-X car. The car is light weight and everything that isn’t required has been removed so the car has no windshield, top, heater or even lights.

The Brazilian law that doesn’t allow flip flops might not be such a bad law. Im sure people will disagree, but honestly they aren’t affixed to your feet the same as shoes and I would even go as far as to say that driving in high heals or platforms would be inadvisable. Im not sure the risk is enough to warrant a

“Besides, the 2017 Challenger GT makes as much power as some big-block HEMIs from the OG Challenger’s era” False, only the 426 was a HEMI, which was rated at 425HP. I will give you it makes more power than the 2 barrel 383 on paper and possibly more than the 383 4 barrel with the same HP rating process, but again

You could slow this down and set it to Adagio for Strings to great effect ala Platoon.

Ultimately the drivers of the Lowes truck is at fault, but if you are approaching an intersection and a giant box truck doesn’t look as if its going to stop, it doesn’t matter if I have a green light or red light, the best option is to slow down and avoid the crash. Thats why the teach you to look way down the road

Commando, Hyper Pack, Firepower and Apache are all good, but I think my favorite is Firedome. It makes me think fuel and air are battling it out to the death. 

Thats oddly specific, dont you think? Im sure some mustang drivers could ruin a set of tires in one use along with a families outing in the park.

At one time it was trading slightly better than the US COTD.

I autocross with a guy who has an R 7 with the engine setback to nearly a mid mid layout with the flywheel just ahead of the centerline. It must be awesome to have a screaming rotary almost next to you.

I believe this to be what motivated the attack in the first place.

Right, this looks like a more efficient use of space. I actually like the look, but looks are subjective.

They very well might not know more then you. A lot of them seem to have high turnover and they dont really pay well enough to attract people who were good mechanics. I have worked at the parts counter, and I have argued with guys behind the parts counter because I had already done the research on my project,