Fight the machine

Its a part of that strenuous work environment typical silicon valley. Sadly this still makes them a better place to work than Uber.

I would imagine it should do pretty well, as the engine and drive train present more of a challenge than an asset. It would be easier to design a car to absorb the impact, rather than absorb the impact and control the engine and transmission away from the passengers compartment. The test I would like to see is where

I would imagine it should do pretty well, as the engine and drive train present more of a challenge than an asset. It would be easier to design a car to absorb the impact, rather than absorb the impact and control the engine and transmission away from the passengers compartment. The test I would like to see is where

To forgot to check underneath to see if oil is leaking, that’s how you know there is oil in the crank case

In the sellers defense, any car with a British engine is basically turn key. It’s very much like adding sort of to any sentence, and it is accurate.

This seems like the Swiss Army knife approach. I want a car hauler, camper for 4 and pickup, all in the same vehicle. It does none of those things well, or even at once, but it does them. Why not buy a 2006 Diesel, used camper and flatbed trailer and save the money, have a safer handling vehicle and some money in

Easy nice price. You could get it running and flip it, drive it or do a engine swap and come out with a very sanitary interior. Whatever you want to do with a Corvair, this looks to be a good place to start.

I hate almost everything about this. Wood used for car body’s by a non oem, vw Beatle customs, cars that people will assume are fast but are painfully slow, and cheesy customs built on a novelty theme. The worst part is that for some reason it will attract more attention than cars that have very good bodywork or

I think this actually looks like a pretty cool car, I immediatly figured it had a air cooled VW which would be an immediate CP, but was pleasantly surprised to see the supercharged rotary. Not enough to think its worth 20k however.

Women love when you have to explain to them how to do up the seat belts when they get in cars for no good reason. They have to pretend that they are secretly annoyed, but they are so impressed. Their dads are equally impressed because they know safety is your number one concern and feel good about you leaving with

I think the benefit is that you can feel every bone crack through the seat as you mow down crowds of people exiting cars and coffee in your Mustang.

Im struggling to see how this is a good idea in a street driven car. I have a track car with Kirkey race seats and a harness and no desire to do this in a daily driver. I would rather go into a wrecking yard and find good supportive buckets that run on tracks and mount them than a racing seat. If anyone else drives

There has to be some lockable access, probably in the tunk/bonnet of the car that pops the door open. I figure if kustoms from the 50s had the ability to get into a car with a dead battery with no door handles, McLaren has it covered.

This seems to be a Brazilian version of British and Italian sports cars. If you compare it as so the power level isn’t terrible although I could get a nice MGB or Fiat 124 with a fair bump in power for way less. I also have a chance of a few casual car people not mistaking an MGB for a 240 Z. With the air cooled VW

Its amazing to me how many people in any sport think the answer is a bigger more powerful engine. Learn how to drive the darn thing before you pour money into it. It doesn’t matter if its autocross, road racing, drag racing or stock car racing, there is always that contingent with a ton of power and without the

Theres a lot thats pretty interesting about the car, Mid engined hatch back, until you find that its also FWD and in the neighborhood of 50 hp. I think if it were cheaper and in worse shape it would be an interesting project car but it looks pretty nice, costs almost 5k. With the sketchiness I think it falls in the

Some cars have very low air intake inlets. Dodge stealths in the nineties we’re low enough that you could drive into a deep puddle and ruin the engine without the water coming up to the door seams. Depending on rpm and the strength of the bottom end, hydroloc can indeed do quite a bit of damage to the engine and

Part of me agrees with you, and part of me wonders if there is much crossover between Wrangler buyers and ram buyers. I owned two Dakota’s and moved to a ram because the last Dakota was a hideous pickup that was as maneuverable as a full size without the capacity. I like Jeeps but would never get one because I need

I wonder if the guys who camouflaged the mule had a laugh. It’s obvious what it is and you can see in your head what this will look like, doing this is like camouflaging a 911 or installing turn signals on a BMW. The worst part is someone is coming over this wondering will the seven slot grill have chrome accents or