In my area I think more ended up in the hands of older gentlemen with no sleeves on their shirts, but either way not a crowd I would want to associate with.
In my area I think more ended up in the hands of older gentlemen with no sleeves on their shirts, but either way not a crowd I would want to associate with.
I think the biggest issue is the 4000 pound car wrapped around it. I had an Intrepid with a 3.5 and it wasn’t bad, until the transmission blew.
If 19 year olds dont get consequences for their stupid actions they turn into 40 year olds who crash mustangs at cars and coffee.
My roommate in college moved to Bozeman from Colorado and used this to save money on his Ford explorer. With the amount of celebrity’s that seem to have a place around Bozeman its possible at least a fair share of them may own land here, even if the car is somewhere else and they stay in State two weeks out of the…
Believing that we know what is best for other countries is one of the biggest repeated mistakes we have made over and over. Whether we are right or not, if the population doesn’t embrace our ideas forcing our will on then doesn’t seem to work out well.
From taking to truckers, depending on the load something like that might be very difficult to feel. That is the same reason some trucks may drive quite some time with some of the trailer brakes locked on. I think it’s possible the car wedged in, the trucker didn’t feel anything abnormal and it wedged into a place the…
Personalized plates are also easy for other drivers to memorize. A Ford F150 hit my house growing up with RAWTIGR on the plates and I saw the truck 15 years later and knew it was the person who hit my parents house. Someone thinks you did them wrong and sees your car later and it’s just that much more likely to get…
Is that bodykit just screwed into the fenders, because it looks to be? That look works on 4x4s, but on a car that just looks like a hack job. Pay to put some filler over those slots for the screws and massage it into the body properly.
If its not from installation then they must have hit something hard enough to push the grill guard into the fender and not repaired it.
The transmission also suggests he doesn’t tow anything very heavy with it, aside from the short wheel base. The only thing I can see this really working for would be low speed towing. That short wheel base and low overall weight make that a scary tow rig at speed.
I think this might be the truth right here. It’s for sale, but not for sale. If he has to drop the price he will be one of the people on Craigslist who never replies or makes it difficult to meet up.
One ton rear suspension has to make a light short vehicle like this ride terrible. From the rake it doesn’t look like they had the sense to remove a couple leafs so it rides and handles well. The upside I’m seeing is a similar conversion on a suburban might be a pretty sweet tow vehicle. By similar I mean the axel…
I think I would just casually explain the purpose of a car cover to the offending person. When they replied that they understood the purpose of a car cover I would probably point out that their actions clearly show that they do not understand the purpose of a car cover, however I am a middle school teacher.
I would be less angry if you had just rick rolled us.
Honestly I always thought the solution was to use terrible metal music.
A lot of the guys spearheading the innovation were people who they got when they took over AMC. I have owned a lot of 90s Chrysler Corp stuff, or more accurately designed in the 90s and I feel that the experience was very dependent on what drive-train you selected. My 99 Neon DOHC with a 5 speed was fun, I beat on…
You know some day this might be collectible, but until then its an ambitious ticking time bomb that was cheap fun in its day, but way to ambitious for its price point. CP
You realize with spray paint and masking tape you could have whatever color of badge your heart desires. You could even dip it and change the color monthly.
A vague answer with no citation that I’m skeptical of, that’s just what I came here for.
Agree that the reveal was terrible, why though do you say the tires dont pass safety regs?