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Except they’re not raws

Except they’re not raws

Find me one that isn’t shady (even a little shady is okay I guess).

Also check out the Rx350. Just got a 2010 one recently and holy shit is it nice. Main thing is the resale with that particular car too. It’s more expensive up front than everything else, but holds its value like none other.

Agreed, however the pricing on those hasn’t gone down that much either. A cleanish version of a 996 will set you back at least 35-40k.

Not gonna lie. This is pretty cool. Would dd.

Personally this doesn’t seem too fair.

Very interesting. Thank you. I had my fun in college drinking. But I’ve realized that I don’t any part about drinking anymore. Unfortunately the job that I am starting is a lot of high-risk/high-reward type of position. You’re expected to wine/dine like a rockstar. But thank you for clarification. I have a particular

What if you’re just out of college and want to stop drinking. How can you avoid being anti-social but still have a social life.

Well there’s your problem.

Officer pretending to be a traffic cone?

I once saw a Z8 parked in a really seedy area of a Columbus, Ohio at a mechanics garage. That’s the Z8 with a story.

This is the life. People take a nap during the day, because it’s too hot to do anything. Kinda like the Italian midday siesta.

Welp. Going through 6 of these airports in the next month. LOL.

In italy it’s .60 or .80 for an espresso.

Going here in a month. Not too excited.

No shifter knob?

to be fair. That first reason is a pretty big reason not to buy one.


Anyone got dem vee eights big block fur sale? I needs to do a swap.