Looking at what I typed it was pompous. Times are changing and I’m a bit of an old fashioned fool.
Looking at what I typed it was pompous. Times are changing and I’m a bit of an old fashioned fool.
That’s a very fine suit. Jelly. Though leaving the last button undone on the cuffs is a bit douche-y.
So many great photos from Cassini - my fav Rhea and Epimetheus:
It looks like we’re entering warp!
It’s Jo Kittinger USAF - the first man to jump from space (sorta) and all around super badass:
Kittinger is one of my heros.
All great photos. This is one of my favourites.
We’ll never forget that Syfy pulled the plug on Farscape
I give this post the top mark of three Ooks! and a banana skin.
It’s poorly worded but I think he’s referring to LG’s statement that they are going to heavily market the removable battery and sd card slot and this marketting might work this time as a differentiator as all their main competitors no longer offer these.
Was it “password”? “io9”? Or some eldritch horror spell wot no mind must think of lest it be sent to hell?
Awesome interview!
God don’t remind me. My knees were scanned recently and I was told they had the same strength and bone density as of an Egyptian mummy.
It might have been used for that.
I will fight any alien that tries to take any of my Laimon fresh. This stuff is like minty Slurm.
Or is it?
Did you get Apple’s Apple Watch Edition watch edition?!
My week in one gif: