Making Tom Magee look decent in the ring? C’mon that’s nothing, try being the Orient Express in 1990 and having to make Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Nikolai Volkoff look passable at a PPV.
Making Tom Magee look decent in the ring? C’mon that’s nothing, try being the Orient Express in 1990 and having to make Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Nikolai Volkoff look passable at a PPV.
Totally agree, I remember watching on WWE network the Hart Foundation against Legion of Doom in 1991. Both teams are faces at the time but Bret does something early in the match rather subtly that establishes (at least for this match) that the Harts will be the heels. When Animal is coming off the ropes, while…
According to the Alvarez and Reynolds book, Nash was the one who basically buried Hart (claiming he wasn’t worth his salary and wasn’t a draw, which is pot calling kettle black in Nash’s case).
I always felt the only thing worse than pro wrestling fans who think it’s real is non-wrestling fans thinking they’re insightful pointing out to wrestling fans that it’s fake.
I81 from Winchester to Roanoke runs through some of the most beautiful countryside in America.
I just hope America wises up one day and we kick this for-profit system to the curb.
In this world you speak of, Jason Kidd was traded from Phoenix to the Nets because of the incident (For Steph Marbury). However, because Kidd turned the Nets around and played at an MVP level, Kidd actually took shots at Phoenix over the trade.
Would be interesting to see how they booked it. Part of me thinks Triple H benefits from low expectations and less airtime to fill.
Forgot about that. Having said that from Vince’s warped mind, that got over seeing how they showed replays of the next week.
Hey, that’s the free market, no wonder those rural types vote for the GOP.
Like the always say in wrestling, when your business is hot, people tend to overlook your shitty ideas. Looking at you Beaver Cleavage, Gillberg winning the lightweight title, etc.
I’m having a little trouble connecting the dots here - can someone elaborate on what about this plan will make it harder to find care in remote places than it already is?
If you listen to their political reps, this is exactly what rural America wants.
Plus teacher’s unions don’t go all scorched-earth like cop unions do. They’ll probably only insist they get due process before being fired or disciplined. In the case of the principal, I don’t believe she’s covered by the union.
I did see that AEW is going to TNT. I’m guessing the fact they aren’t disclosing the terms likely means it’s probably an ad revenue deal (no or minimal rights fees from TNT and a share of the ad revenue).
I’m not talking about a private place, I’m talking about places away where people are eating or resting. I would usually go by the bathrooms cause they’re usually in areas people are just passing by.
I guess Serbia’s NBA account will join the list with Turkey’s.
You’re right, without the PPV shows, that’s what gets people to subscribe (or for older types like me, the extensive video libraries). I guess to me, the PPV’s are just programming (almost like a Netflix original).
...and like Cornette has said millions of times, you had Stone Cold and the Rock in their wrestling primes at that time.
The former makes it easy for people to tune out of the weekly programs, the latter makes it easy for people to not care about PPV’s.