Why the push?
Why the push?
Trump and Bolton seem to think this is the 1980s where Iran and a country they see as “Communist” in Venezuela will get people to rally behind.
I say two week moratiom until the new lawmakers are in.
Please leave. You are obviously not mature enough for this topic of conversation.
We are all aware at the unlikelihood of impeachment but if you’re not even going to put up resistance, then stop complaining about.
The Democratic leadership reminds me of a college football coach who naively thinks that players go to school to get an education and rival coaches don’t pay players and break NCAA rules.
Sure and those manufacturing jobs are on their way back to the midwest.
I mean, this is the same President who has yet to release his tax returns. This admin gives zero fucks about the norms and will do anything to retain power at all costs.
In another lifetime the GOP would have been absolutely apoplectic at the thought of not having a permanent SecDef for 5 months.
Congress is meant to be a check against the executive branch, but it also needs broader consensus than a slim majority in one chamber to actually act on that.
They don’t seem to understand you’re talking about going after the fucking President and Attorney General who have the support of their party and will defend them at all costs
Splinter’s reflexive need to criticize every fucking thing any non-AOC Congressional Democrat does.
Possibly but my thought is they’re too chickenshit to take him on. The Dem leadership always runs scared. It’s always about, “we don’t want to offend working class voters.”
but two such individuals who are so completely and unapologetically pure evil.
...and he assured me I have very big hands!
I was immediately out after I discovered that “DAZN” is pronounced “Da Zone” (which is the most painfully unhip this-was-just-workshopped-by-twenty-middleaged-white-dudes name ever) and does not, in fact, rhyme with “Raisin.”
Compared to ESPN+, their offerings are actually pretty good.
Gee, it’s almost like privatized health care exists to try fuck you over as much as possible.
I know it takes time but even after the transition, we still have major positions unfilled. The main reason is to stop all those lame duck laws (particularly at the state level).
Part of it is vote certification, part of it is election time falling close to the end of year holidays, part of it is getting congress inaugurated beforehand and part of it is giving the incoming government enough time to put a cabinet and other roles in place.