Rod Strickland Propane

Take heed: if Trump loses power things will get exponentially worse without something in place to keep it from happening. His lame duck period is going to be a scary time.

Interesting how the Republicans keep saying that anti-semitism is a non-issuewhile simultaneously claiming that the Democrats have turned it into a mainstream platform.

And I think it’s a mistake to get caught up in statistics 

More like allowing your employer to see if you’re a violent menace. Then again, so many of these losers have had their “indiscretions” covered up by coaches, boosters and administrators, that you would be hard-pressed to find any of them had a jacket.

This makes total sense, while we are on the issue of “fiscal responsibility.” Let’s say anyone who has debt to settle up, they can’t vote. I guess that would disqualify about 99.9% of the population.

I didnt realize being Poor was supposed to be easy. Wow, it almost functions like an incentive to not be poor?

Im glad you brought up parents and admins disrespecting teachers. Basically, ifparents respect the concept of education, they will respect teachers and do their part to make sure their kid performs. Teachers dont have problems with kids who care about their academics.

I hope Vince was watching the WCW PPV when Mean Gene told Jesse that he looked “richer.” 

As Wilkes explained it to Deadspin, the WWF’s argument—that the injury should be considered accident due to the assumed risk inherent to wrestling—was simple to counter. After all, in the year leading up to that night in Tampa, the WWF had been lobbying states to deregulate wrestling and thus remove medical personnel

or do Algebra

I dont think its a lot. I just think its enough for babysitters.

$12000+ per student to churn out high school grads who cant read above a 10th grade level or do Algebra.

When discussing the COST of education?

If you need a blueprint, government or black panthers to feed your kid in the morning, then you suck as a parent.

Aso, why should student spending rise in correlation with GDP?

Yes, spend is considered a KPI because you cant figure out a ROI if you dont know how much you spent to achieve it.

What do you even do for a living?

Its amusing how oblivious you are to your own stupidity.

Yes, spend is considered a KPI because you cant figure out a ROI if you dont know how much you spent to achieve it.

Oh shut the fuck up already with your dumbass cliches.