Sounds like they know what went wrong and could easily remedy that next time around, but instead are possibly giving up. I’m really enjoying Andromeda.
Sounds like they know what went wrong and could easily remedy that next time around, but instead are possibly giving up. I’m really enjoying Andromeda.
Accurate move set for a Trump Yungoos:
What... what the hell? Leonard Cohen is dead, Trump is in the White House, and now Splash is actually USEFUL?
Didn’t Red appear in Gold/HeartGold And Silver/Soul Silver as a “secret boss” on Mt. Silver? Or did he have the same art as prior games there?
Red looks about ready to say his first words:
The eggs are not eaten, the point is to hatch them and bring new life.
if this stuff infringed on their patents, steam has been around and doing this stuff a long time. why are they picking now to say something about it?
I thought you meant he was cosplaying as Trump.
Yeah, I guess I was suggesting a full invisibility character with that kind of move would be so overpowered and un-fun that I wouldn't think it could happen. But who knows.
1300 weight.
This guy is on a whole different level to Hilary. We’re talking almost Hitler levels with this guy.
Oda taking a break??
And thus, the second one from the Big Three ends.
Now we only have to wait until 5 minutes before the Sun goes supernova to see the ending of “One Piece”.
Fair enough, its easy to forget some stereotypes don’t start in the US sometimes.
Now when I’m on the train I don’t have to have the volume on my Vita turned to max to tell people I’m playing a “pervy” game. I’ll just pull out my child-sized panty fiber cloth to clean my screen.
A competent Zarya is a terrifying force of nature.
I hope the next Overwatch charecter will be something really weird or hard to sexualize like a paper bag caught in the breeze or something just for the sake of challenge for the erotic overwatch community
Dat ball handling skill.