
We’re constantly told athletics are a mere enhancement of the educational experience. We all know, at the highest level, that isn’t true. A coach saying they know “what’s best” for one of their guys insults our intelligence. Players are attending a university, not a football program. They should subject to the rules

Shouldn't be too much of a surprise -- James has been receding for a while and Kyrie was always one step away from going over the edge.

I have indeed played Sun & Moon. I fail to see how they’re relevant.

“Democrats...no matter who they are” is EXACTLY the problem. More Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, less Joe Crowley. More Kamala Harris, less Dianne Feinstein. 

Thanks. Whatever his contributions to the situation, the coach actually did something to save lives. Elon Musk did not do anything to save lives. Even as lives were being saved, he was still publicly touting a solution that had already been described as unworkable. He took up the time of people that surely had more

I’m sure these kids have seen enough divers the last few days.

I don’t get this joke

From Ryan’s first article on this tire:

Octopii are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet and are actually required to be put under anesthesia if a procedure is needed to be done on them, because they are believed to have an understanding of what is happening to them.  If kept in captivity, they need to be in specialized tanks because they

That’s not been proven by Fox’s scientists yet.

Typical America, separating minority children from their mothers.

Rip Emma, gone too soon

The time required to pay the scooter off. I thought that was pretty clear....

I cant believe I even clicked on this article but here I am

This is like 500 days of Kristen and I’m ok with it

What I hate about myself is that I will click on any “where is LeBron going article.”

helpful transcript for the preliterate caller who may not have remembered what he said, once the ayahuasca wore off:

we played in both World Cups when Obama was President. Just sayin....