
He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?

It’s sad, but inspiring to see one all time great Yankee helping another great Yankee through his trouble.

I want to like this show, I really do, but I just can’t get engrossed in it. It’s still a poor facsimile of it’s sibling. It’s basically Frank Stallone.

He started wearing dresses

Finally, the moment my stupid Kinja handle has been waiting for.

Well, in Superman’s defense- he didn’t die just to fuck with them.

It says a lot that, for just a second, I believed there was a bizarre murder in Hope Solo’s family that I’d forgotten about.

It sure says a lot that despite the fact that her cousin murdered his dad with a light saber, she’s still regarded as the biggest asshole in the entire family.

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.

I knew Picasso. I worked with Picasso. And Blair Witch, my friend, is no Picasso...

I don’t trust him not to come back back back back back back.

It’s a wonder he even made contact with it given his numbers at the plate this year...

At least they’ll be up shit creek With a paddle.

It’s made out of your mom’s underwear

The 90's began with the release of Nevermind on September 24, 1991 and ended on September 11, 2001.

You’ll listen to Alice in Chains but not Stone Temple Pilots? Nirvana’s Unplugged is one of the best live albums of the past 30 years!

I don't think Ice House and Red Dog count as microbrews.

Because in a lot of ways we’re still living in the 90s. If you were going to dress for a 90s party, think about what you’d wear. Outside of grunge and old school hip hop, the differences between what we wear now and 20 years ago aren’t very big (besides, grunge wouldn’t look out of place today, and a 90s party with

This happened to me today - but without emojii...

Kodak could totally use this exposure in the press. Even if it's negative.