
Why is he arguing with George Bush in the top photo?

Vola’s algorithm, a complex program that targets people for elimination by the Insight helicarriers based on their threat to HYDRA’s sense of order.

I also continue to try and like this show. They started the show with a really interesting idea - society on the brink of destruction. The dead had just begin to appear, lots of potential. They could have taken it so much farther and made it much more interesting. Yet they decided to go the easy route and jump right

Let’s not jump to conclusions here.

Could we please put this obsession with Mystique to rest?

You just know that when he does leave they’ll show that shitty video of him running into the tunnel wagging his giant sausage finger in the air.

The problem is if ESPN execs will ruin him with their current requirement that everyone sling shit at each other while on air.

Never doubt the stupidity of people, you’ll be disappointed everytime.