
Mike Shannon is going to be deeply missed when hes gone.

Yeah. Panic attacks ssssuuuuuccccckkk and the worst part is, outside of those who suffer them it’s relatively uncommon to know what they actually are (your brain’s fight-or-flight response triggering incorrectly resulting in full-blown physical panic, not “oh man I’m anxious”) and virtually unknown what that actually

I would estimate conservatively that 25% of my usable kitchen cabinet space is occupied by kids’ water bottles. Of those water bottles, maybe 15 - 20% are actively being used. It makes me bonkers. The other day, I pulled out a sliding shelf to get at some tupperware and about 8 water bottles fell back behind the

Usually the catcher gets the sticky stuff on his back.

The thing about it that I didn’t get was, from my understanding, it’s only legal to do if you do it without making contact with anyone. It’s illegal to do if you make contact, because that is dangerous. However, it’s not like a player can simply choose or not to choose to make contact. It’d be like having a law that

Fernandez: [cranks boat to full speed]
Fernandez: [sees two small rocks ahead]
Fernandez: [strikes one]
Fernandez: [strikes two]
Fernandez: [approaches jetty] 

Since my gram passed away from cancer I’d support that cause.

I am long suffering Cubs fan. Bartman hurt.

Look, instead of jumping down their throats for this, I’ll say instead, here is the invitation I imagine some white players likely felt they needed before joining in. The ones who would be interested in joining in are probably also worried about being perceived as co-opting the movement, or being yet another

Oh goodness, the power you wield. Does the FBI know about you?

I feel like I’m in a sort of unique position—I’m a former NCAA DI coach who now teaches at a large state school. Man, I love having athletes in my classes, so it always makes me sad/frustrated when athletes express this idea that they think all faculty are against them. Many faculty truly enjoy university athletics

He actually wrote: “Joy to Cleveland and Cavaliers fans everywhere. Rejoice! Your friend, Earl Joseph Smith III" You'd be able to read the full thing if it wasn't so cold in that room.

How can this be “worst tweet” when it is clearly “best tweet?”

Lest anyone too young to know might think the draft dodger angle is the biggest insult in this tweet, refusing to call him Ali, and instead insisting on calling him Clay was the racist dog whistle of choice back then. Racist whites refused to do so for years after.

When people call the NHL a Mom and Pop league I didn’t realize it was because they’re not letting us go out with our friends on school nights.

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

Vin Scully is a national treasure and I really hope he decides to accept the offer(s) to call the All-Star Game or a World Series game or inning or something in his last season, but him rambling tediously about random bullshit is not good and if someone else did it we would mock them a lot probably.

Put Peanut butter on plain white bread. Dip into bowl of chili. Repeat until fat.