
He could never stay mad at his true love.

Arthur Lee. Patrick Sparks.

Dockers Without Borders

According to Paul Lukas (the UniWatch guy) this is a secondary logo and, like you suggested, won’t be seen on the field. It’s a commemorative thing for the move.

Another year, another missed opportunity to go as the Wet Bandits. Step it up, Hunter.

Charles Arthur Vance, AKA Dazzy

Jim McMahon looks like shit

Oh boy, I bet his forearms were really sweaty last night.

Hass avocados are the real stars of the MLB postseason commercials.

Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see how adding tenths of a second extends the game at all. I’m assuming that the clock reads a particular time until one full second has passed. For example, while play is in progress the clock shows 2 seconds while real time goes from 2 to 1.9 to 1.8 to 1.7...until reaching 1

Well, because this might be the most important thing I accomplish at work today, I opened the video on Youtube. The description has “Cardinal Way” in quotation marks, and the channel is filled with shagging videos (no, not those), mostly from PNC.

Sadly, I think the camera operator is a Pirates fan. So maybe he was using “the Cardinal way” sarcastically (a joke that has run its course in its own regard).

I’m so happy to hear other people do this. I prefer peanut butter on a Ritz though. If I don’t have any crackers I'll stir a scoop right into my chili.

The @DaggumRoy twitter account is amazing. Especially during games.