
Wait, she’s a professional ‘model,’ right? That is the most awkward, non-Duchenne smile I’ve seen in years...

Dudes who are not medical professionals tell everyone the dangers of medicine.

Oh great, we get to rely on Chaffetz - the Shkreli of Congress - to lead the charge to conduct an investigation and potential punishment.

People who were wondering ‘how she would handle the performance being as pregnant as she is’ are stupid, stupid people. The media really needs to stop with it.

This performance made a birth truther out of me. I’m going to get kicked out of the Beyhive for this, but now that we can see what she looks like actually pregnant, it becomes clear as day that she was not pregnant with Blue Ivy. I never bought into that conspiracy theory before, but now I do. #pleasedontdoxxme

I hate every trump today, all of them are guilty of this fuckery.

I’ve said it before, Ivanka is Paris Hilton without the sex tape — just a cheap knockoff like her handbags. Thus, Tiffany is the Nicky Hilton — the “Ohhhh, yeah. I remember her.”

New slogan for Ivanka’s clothing line explains a lot:

Tiffany is 23 years old - so she’s old enough to know better, but only just. Let’s give her another couple years to get her head on straight before lumping her in with Melania, who is A. twice Tiffany’s age and B. CHOSE THIS.

Meanwhile Kellyanne is still showing her support for Ivanka’s fashion line..

Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.

Contrast: just got back from my friend’s mom’s funeral. Poor woman had a stroke in her 50s about thirteen years ago and just faded slowly, in hospice the last three. Her wake was packed and tears flowed, despite the fact that she couldn’t participate in life for over a decade. She was so loved. My friend walked

Reading that was cathartic and I empathize with the daughter. I was abused as a kid and I’m currently trying to negotiate and grapple with both loving my parents and being angry with them. They pretty much refuse to acknowledge the damage and hurt they inflicted and just deflect and guilt trip. It is not helpful when

Embrace the drag.

Oh, hell ladies...I’LL wear a red floral dress, high heels and flamenco dance with castanets on his grave!

Added, thank you.

Damn. Bravo is right. Her follow up statement covers all the bases and shuts down pretty much any of the bullshit criticism that might have been levied at them. Good for them.

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

does anyone else feel like they’ve aged like 15 years in the last 20 days?