Hillary Clinton is above and beyond shade.
Hillary Clinton is above and beyond shade.
If he even makes it to confirmation hearings. I wouldn’t be surprised if he “respectfully declines” the nomination after this weekend (read: Trump threatens him until he bows out).
We need to stop playing into the GOP narrative that we want free birth control. Under the ACA, we get birth control covered at 100% by our insurance, but we pay for the insurance. It’s not a handout. It’s simply requiring insurance to provide a benefit that the overwhelming majority of women need.
This deserves to be moved from the grey. Just so other people can be as horrified as I am.
Yeah, while the “wife” and kid are living in NYC, he is cutting the NEA (which was half of the annual cost of the tower guard cost) so it works out. When you screw over liberal things the savings count 3x as much.
If by “fresh faced,” they mean “looks like a serial killer,” then yes— yes, he is “fresh faced”
To all the
liberalsAmericans who had the audacity to think that Hillary Clinton would have been just as bad as Trump. Fuck you very much.
Work in immigration law, can confirm, am a serious minority as a white man.
So I read that around 35% of lawyers are women, but around 70% of the lawyers stationed at airports are women. Thanks ladies, again. http://nymag.com/thecut/2017/01/the-women-fighting-trumps-immigration-ban.html Plus it was 4 woman judges and 1 male judges that issued stays on Trump’s immigration ban over last…
Betsy Woodruff of the Daily Beast has been doing a great job covering the immigration ban, the latest out of the Eastern District of Va Court is that Trump’s ban permanently revoked more than 100,000 lawful visas:
It would be great, but I looked them up, and they’ve both been inactive members of the Illinois bar for years (search for them here: http://www.iardc.org/lawyersearch.asp). It’s too bad, because it would be even better if they just did that incognito (because backwards hat Barack Obama is the best Barack Obama).
Hello! Learn how I make $5,000 a month from the comfort of my own home as a professional anarchist!
You laugh, but I made $5K a month working from home as a professional anarchist.
That boy is absurdly adorable, and Millie is so precious.
I thought Winona was making those faces because she couldn’t believe Stranger Things actually beat out The Crown, GOT, and Westworld.
“I think it’s just because she couldn’t hear what David was saying.” He then reveals that he thought Ryder’s faces were “awesome.”