For fucks sake, don’t want an abortion..........don’t get one!
For fucks sake, don’t want an abortion..........don’t get one!
“We look to have a great relationship with all countries, ideally, unfortunately that won’t necessarily happen, unfortunately probably won’t happen with many countries, but if we could have as we do with Prime Minister May, and the relationship we’ve all developed, and even the short relationship that we’ve just…
Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:
I’d love a steady stream of celebs and politicians who get themselves invited to Trump WH events and then don’t go, but post about it on social media, or do something else the same night like protest or fund raise for the resistance.
All I got from this is the shocking realization about how long it has been since I’ve seen a beautiful penis in person. They have been decidedly underwhelming lately.
I have three feelings about this right now.
Sorry but I only work out on floors made of diamond you fucking plebes.
I think it’s interesting to watch a metaphorical infant taking its first steps, and then trash said infant for not being able to run a 40-yard-dash in record time. That, to me, is what this article does.
Yup. That’s why I had a pretty great high after attending our tiny hastily thrown together march. In an area that went hard for Trump in a swing state it was downright heartwarming seeing hundreds of like-minded individuals. I made a ton of acquaintances with progressives in an area I ALWAYS felt alone in.
I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.
Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and…
“I also know several people who felt excluded ... and I think it’s because it was about so many things at once.”
What’s with these purity tests that people on the left require of one another?
“We’re not Putin up with this shit!”
I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out…
On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender…
“the deal was reached a week ago, but has been kept ‘a big secret’ because Michele’s camp feared the seven days of criticism that would surely lead up the divisive President-elect’s big day.”