
And you know if Russia had an equivalent of this dinner Putin would at least have the nerve to show up and poison some journalists.

My new favorite is “Benedict Donald”.

Markets himself as such an alpha male (barf) and is too chicken shit to deal with a night of ribbing at his expense. And you know if Russia had an equivalent of this dinner Putin would at least have the nerve to show up and poison some journalists. Trump is just going to slink away and tweet in a corner.

I’ve not heard Kim Jong Orange yet. It now lives at the top of my euphemism list, second only to “open-faced quesadilla” and “malevolent traffic cone”.

If the world were just, he wouldn’t be attending because he won’t still be president on April 29.

So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

Kim Jong Orange, like most despots and tyrants, lacks the ability to laugh at himself.

Speaking of sleeping with much younger men...

FAIR. People ask Brad Pitt ALL THE TIME about what it is (was?) like to be married to a MUCH YOUNGER WOMAN. George Clooney, SAME.

I have known Orthodox Jews and Ivanka doesn’t dress like any of them. All of my friends have always covered to the elbows and knees; I guess rules don’t apply to the rich shiksa.

Anyway, you’ll have people claim that someone’s orthodoxy is as valid as they choose it to be—namely, if you say you’re orthodox then you are. In a way, they’d be right.

Desecrating the graves of your enemies is a favorite pastime of people who hate, but who don’t have the balls to stand up publicly against the people they hate (they might hit back). It’s a crime with a low-risk of being found out, and you mess with the final resting place of people who are beloved by their

Its up to the individual Jew to decide if they are white or not, and many many Jews are not white. There are the Sephardiem and the Mizrahi and the Beta Israel. White nationalist groups have never considered Jews to be white. Generally “white” is defined by those groups since it is a fairly useless distinction. A

It reminds me of the bombing of elementary schools in Ireland. I just can’t imagine the amount of hatred -of a religion, FFS- it could take to drive someone to kill innocent children. To murder children, or make children live in fear of being murdered, or to make seniors feel the way they did when the Nazis came to

Nazi soldiers would use the tombstones of Jewish graves for target practice. The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague is still in existence only because Hitler wanted to later convert it to a museum after his genocide was complete.

When this happens people from the wider community have to come together to denounce it and be visible in their support. Leaders from other religious institutions, schools, everyone. After the recent terrorist killings at the Quebec mosque, a mosque being set on fire, and another mosque in Toronto being bombarded with

First of all, I’m not stupid enough to think that anti-semitism had disappeared from the earth. This was a very visible crime, probably committed because of the current political climate. The fact that anyone would do this, on this scale, and believe they could get away with it is what shocks me.

Also, Fuck Ivanka and her phony concern. Go talk to your Father hand his cabal of bigots.. Piss off with your hashtag bullshit.

Bomb threats to JCC’s nationwide are reaching near 100 incidents since January. They frequently are sites with preschools, which then need to be evacuated for several hours. Nothing has happened thus far , but I cannot imagine the lingering fear that parents experience sending their kids there after an event like this.

A friend’s grandparents’ graves are among the desecrated. She found out today, on her grandfather’s yahrzeit. It’s so heartbreaking.