
We have to get a smash cut to a few seconds of it at some point, right?

I loved seeing the whole gang back together again - it made me feel all warm and happy (like glitter was exploding inside me!)

this was a good episode, particularly the ending. it’s funny how Homeland can be the best or worst show on tv not only from season to season, but sometimes from episode to episode.

McClendon was clearly murdered because we saw a guard calmly watch him die on a monitor while removing the glove that he used to poison him. Knowing who did it matters because Carrie originally believed that the President was behind it. If it wasn’t her, then there’s another party involved. If that’s the case, then

since you bring up being short on time, what was the point of the whole Nathaniel being scared for Mona scene but no Nathaniel breaking up with Mona scene?? I don’t think either was needed but if I had to choose one the breakup was more important?

Totally agree that this ending would’ve worked better if it had been about one of Rebecca’s actual crimes, like the Mona hit or the deportation attempt. Using the one situation where Rebecca was actually kind of justified in her behavior to serve as her finally “accepting responsibility for her actions” doesn’t feel

I really like the thematic idea of this ending, that Rebecca is finally, wholeheartedly willing to take responsibility, to recognize her mental illness yet not use it as an excuse.

I didn’t really love this. I get that the point was to get Rebecca to take responsibility for her actions, but the whole Trent plot felt like it was accidentally taken from Jane The Virgin or something (no shade to that show, just completely different tone.) I’ve kinda felt like the show has become broader since

When the “Settle for Me” instrumental played while Nathaniel was looking at Mona... that’s when this show shows how perfect it is. The callbacks were perfection. 

Someone elsewhere pointed out that the CW expanding to a Saturday/Sunday programming lineup increases the likelihood of CxGF being renewed for no other reason than there’s more elbow room in the scheduling.

the callbacks were ridiculous this episode. I’m not sure I expected all of that but it puts everything in an interesting position for what may be the final season.

I love that this show constantly finds new ways to spin its theme song(s), but none have topped the original Paula/Scott spoken theme for me. Trent’s “Just a Boy in Love” may have come the closest.

But can he help me make thousands of dollars a week working from home?

He was in an episode treating Darryl and White Josh.

Did anyone else’s catch the butter ad on the bus that ran Trent over? It was blurry, but definitely on it. That butter ad is my favorite running joke by far.

They’ve mentioned that her husband is also a therapist before.

“Yes, we saw that article in the Atlantic... And then we peed on the Atlantic.”

I think his use is simply to show how truly creepy Rebecca’s behavior is by gender swapping 

Alison Bechdel’s gender is irrelevant here, I think. To me, Heather means that by simply mentioning a test that is about how much women talk about men, you are actually talking about men. So you fail.

People like to say Trent is worse than Rebecca because he’s willing to stoop to  blackmail. But Rebecca blackmailed Paula into to helping her with Trent. She’s worse because she REALIZES she crossed a line. That’s why Nathaniel telling her she’s a good person seemed to sting. Because she knows otherwise. If the finale