
I should know better than to treat this comment as a good-faith argument about Bruce vs Jen’s abilities, even though it’s been a tired talking point for a month now since the first preview came out. But it should be stated at least once in the thread that this isn’t what the show actually depicted.

It’s interesting that you seem to assume only straight people had any problem with this piece.

It’s so cool when the “radical gays” try to make people feel like shit for wanting things that 95% of everyone else wants. “That gay wants a husband, like some kind of idiot! Look at how stupid he is! What’ll he say next, that he wants kids?! What a joke!

Homophobia has always been a kind of problematic catch-all of a term precisely because it couches all forms of bigotry and intolerance in the range of fear. And while, sure, there is likely an element of fear/dread in a lot of people’s anti-gay biases, characterizing these biases as a “phobia” too often seems to miss

Thanks for articulating this in a way I couldn’t. Super cool to be felt like an outsider all of your life in the straight world, but even cooler to enter the gay community and then be derided because you’re not the “right type of gay”.

Well this gay man found parts of the article to be quite homophobic. Calling a gay man “Mary” in an attempt to degrade and belittle him is pretty textbook homophobia.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

“Damn, they said ‘Blaze, you gonna lose it!’ I was like ‘Naw, it’s too big...’”

Goodbye Winnie the Bish.

An entire article and comment section without mentioning DanBill Bishop???

I enjoyed her quite a bit in this series, and think she is underrated by some fans. I am okay with her not appearing in the finale, but I will stand here in defense and support of your opinion!

Another highlight was the last Winston-and-Cece babe-moment:

GIF Thread

Yep Coach and Nick’s mom not being the wedding (or at least being mentioned) bothered me

I knew that the finale was going to be good when it started with Nadia making one last appearance, then segued into Winston and Schmidt’s roast. And then Tran! And High Jess! And an evocation of the original goofy theme song! And the very first Winston and Cece mess-around! And True American! And THE PRANK. A better

Anyone else think it was quite an omission that Coach wasn’t there? He flew in for Furguson’s memorial but not for Nick and Jess’s wedding?

Wow, now that is how you do a proper finale! Some of this season has been a bit shaky, but the last 2 episodes were some of the funniest it’s been. The finale felt really natural to the show and it’s characters. And we got one last round of True American?! Couldn’t ask for more

Woah(!)... can’t believe they forgot Nick’s amazing side of the family. Like, not even a mention of why none of them were able to make it. I thought something was missing. Dang, they distracted me with that Phil Collins ditty from season one.

It was so fitting to end on one final prank by Winston. Best send off for a great show.

The only way this would have been a satisfying finale is if they would have went the Seinfeld route and put every single character in prison for various crimes committed over the course of this show.