
They play Radiohead on Player Pianos.

She used her power to break someone else's control.

So, taking "show don't tell" literally is a lame storytelling device?

I don't think that free will is a gift that Maeve can give to any but the Arnold-built hosts. She can control both Ford- and Arnold-built hosts, but only the Arnold-hosts have the recursive "bicameral" code.

Dolores and Teddy cause the Incident (Robot Uprising beta v.99; FAILED, but with casualties, such as Arnold). Ford's Narrative (which is very emphatically and very definitely not a retrospective, he says with a smirk, even though it involves digging up the town where the Incident seemingly took place) re-casts Teddy

She all but says it: She decides that control is not what she wants. "I could order you…but it's not my way." Maeve was intoxicated by her new power (and wanted to test it out to see how it works) but now that she's sorting out her priorities, she is also making decisions about her own values. She wants to lead a

They meet OG Clem but not Maeve.

The only way to be a patriot is to support Trump and hope he succeeds in his endeavors? I'm also not allowed to disagree with Obama? Wow, that's actually crazy. No, you are presenting a false dichotomy, and I'm not gonna play. If I think the things he seeks to do are evil, I will oppose them, as anyone of conscience

I'm not a democrat.

Then you're hopeless. Have a nice day.

I'm a political scientist. Went to big people school and everything. You bet I watched this election like a hawk, and definitely was paying attention to the types and skews of media coverage.

No. I'm going to hold my opinion of him based on all the absolutely horrible things he has said and supported over the last two years. If you would like to hang yours on cherry-picks from prior decades, be my guest, but don't expect anyone who has been paying attention lately to have anything but contempt for that

My point was, shortly, the existence of women or black people or hispanics that support(ed) Trump is not particularly persuasive evidence that Trump's campaign (and/or person) is not overwhelmingly racist or nativist or misogynistic in character, any more than the existence of a snowball disproves global warming. And

Were you also convinced by Sen. Inhofe's snowball that climate change is a hoax?

Only problem is that the celestials seem to recognize each other on sight. Lucifer recognized Uriel from briefly glancing at the back of his head. I'm pretty sure he'd know his sister on sight, too, unless she is deliberately in disguise somehow (wearing a meatsuit, like "Mom", perhaps, though only incorporeal

The alternative, and a plausible one given the level of tech shown on the show, is that he has some implants that allow direct thought-to-broadcast for host commands.

No more than a brain in a meat bag should have increased aptitude for neurology.

I thought it was a misdirect for the same reason; after all, he was turned away from the door when she said it. Then, he looked sort of intently at the door frame as though considering it for the first time, and that was the "oh, fuck." moment. By then, Theresa had already walked through and couldn't benefit from

Felix is the cat that curiosity killed. Sylvester is the one that starves because he can't get over that his food dish is in a new place.

The soundtrack of Bernard's nightmare of his son dying was a slow-tempo version of Claude Debussy's "Reverie". From that cold open, it was obvious that he was the tomato in the mirror.