
I was gonna say... while I don't know for sure, from what I seen more dependable drives usually comes from those that use less platters. They run cooler and have less parts to break.

Loved his voice, and always the music! One of the first tracks to get my young self into electronica. They're all good, but I particularly like Ignition, Dragon and Tension. Every time Tension was played I knew whatever Tom said, Tenchi Muyo was about to start.

It's easier to be left out of the conversations if you're sitting at the end of the table. Positioning yourself near the center not only puts you in the middle of the conversation flow, but also subliminally reinforces that you're central to the discussion at hand.

Don't forget about the extensions to Sacramento and San Diego. But I really want those extensions. Please nobody forget those extensions.

I totally agree. The chromecast is a great device in it's own right. I have bought a couple for myself and I'm glad it's a thing now. I also kickstart'd the matchstick cause I do think it's a good device, not a chromecast killer. Just to let everybody know where I'm coming from.

Eh I don't know. It's not really competing, just giving people another choice. You do the same thing to cast to this that you would to do cast to Chromecast. But retail price for this will be cheaper than a Chromecast, will be as distributed as it needs to be (again it's not really competing) and looking over the sdk

Considering it's using a Haswell processor and has both Clear Video and Quick Sync tech enabled, I think it'd do a lot better than what you think. (This info coming from another news post about the Stream Mini). Also if it's just an simple htpc then a lot of the time it would be playing a 1080p video and nothing else.

Looking at another news post about it, it looks like it does come with windows 8.1. Weeeee

For such a small device, thermal performance will be a factor. I think a traditional mechanical drive would either cause it to heat up too much or require noisier faster fans.

What I really need is one that will work with all major phones regardless of android, ios, or windows. Pebble is the only major player allowing for this so it's the only one I reasonably look at.

I'm sure I'm one of the few that actually like to have the battery last more than a day, just because I leave mine on and use it as my alarm. The vibration motor is just a gentler way for me to wake up instead of the traditional blaring alarm clock. It's also easier to turn off and snooze when needed ;P

Generally I understand what you're talking about, but I'm actually one who enjoys not taking off my pebble when I sleep. It's lightweight and comfortable. But really what got me to keep wearing it is that it's my alarm clock. There is no speaker on the thing it just has it's vibration motor but it's a way more gentle

It's a good start and I really want it to work, but it needs updating. It shows the WHOLE music library, but trying to navigate my multi thousand track library is painful especially when it detects you trying to move notification center, music center goes to the top of your library. If it let me just select a playlist

Alright boys and girls, gonna lay this one out for you. There is no security flaw here. Working as intended.

Let me tack on my say here just because you mentioned the TL. When I was getting ready to purchase a car over 5 years ago I had the emotional urge to go out and get what ever was the glitziest every other consideration be damned. But after I calmed down I realized this was a terrible idea. So I went and did the exact

Hopefully he just installed it and was showing it off. XBMC/Kodi have skins that way more touch input friendly like the skins re-touched or immersive. Big pretty targets that even a driver can use. Would probably need updating for car use, but still that's half the fun of xbmc/kodi.

Every reply on this thread is gold. Keep it up guys/gals! Also Mr. Hall and Chromeo makes for badass music so thanks for this.

Shockingly... Yes.

I'm a sucker for animated exploded views so it get's my thumbs up.

You're mostly right. There are stores that carry both. Buuuuut it's not because MCX is being generous. Apparently their contract states that they can't support a competing mobile payment option without the threat of massive fines. Of course a whole lot of these companies are megaliths with cash to spare who are