
This is a really good idea, and I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing it for more video game IP that gets turned into shows/films. I imagine this was really freeing for the showrunners to be able to create something new in the same universe, but without feeling the need to basically just rehash the games.

Who’s holding their breath this will be alright?

You look at this too... well... seriously. It’s not about her playing a video game that shows she’s a good politician. She’s making a connection to those viewers, by showing interest in something they enjoy. She’s showing that she’s a normal person, not some pompous elitist. And through that, she’s more easily able to

[Everyone complaining about this movie]

Anyone who doesnt understands its not about payment processing shouldn’t be allowed to post on the internet... that means you dumbass.

“Fitbit better not Apple us into annual hardware updates to benefit from software uodates.”

I am completely okay with it. I paid versa 2 price and i got exactly what I paid for and expected. I think the versa 2 will do and be just fine in the versa 3 era. I have the versa 2 and my wife has the versa lite. Before that, she had the charge 3 and my son has the charge 4. I was the only one to upgrade to the

Because it’s affordable. I live in a food desert in Southwest Baltimore, and if I’m hungry, there’s no places to get groceries I can cook with. Even if I did, it’s cheaper to get a full meal for $2 rather than ingredients to make one yourself. I’m lucky enough to have a car so I can get to a supermarket, but not all

I don’t really see how this is a “dumb catch”. I don’t see anything remotely indicating this is supposed to be a free tier of Netflix, it is completely clear that this is like a sample platter of their content to advertise their service.

I keep seeing this comment and it confuses the hell out of me.

If the fee for in-app purchases was lower than the free for purchasing an app, every developer would just make their app free and then lock the premium aspects behind a paywall.

Obvious answer: To keep it from someone else (something about a mouse, maybe?).

I set up my smart playlist long ago for this reason. I always thought it was weird that there’s no default setting to show where the song came from. I still use iTunes Match since it’s so cheap and it’s nice having the entirety of my library in the cloud so I don’t have to worry about syncing my library.

Wasn’t really good for most of today’s type of gaming, but I’m glad it was there during the days when my kids were too little to use controllers. I still have memories of my littlest one playing some Elmo game where the Kinect camera superimposed her video in real time in the scene.

Can YOU escape the extended gutters after the drains scab over before all the vermin drown!?

I loved the switch last month when Claire hosted “It’s Alive,” and instead of a nervous meltdown she was having a blast making food, explaining how she stole from Brad, and all while holding a baby; meanwhile Brad and Chris did “Gourmet Makes” and just absolutely phoned in the Andes Mints when it started to get

I’ll be damned.  Never knew whole milk = 4%.  Learn something new every day!

Just got back from seeing it.

Now playing

Do you, by any chance, play Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon?

While not strictly a comedy, the tutorials and just overall attitude of the game is hilarious in an 80s pastiche