
Let me just whip this word back from out of the closet.

I too love me some Five Guys. And thankfully, they have one here in Sac now too! I thought I'd have to fly myself to "see my dad" on the east coast once a month, just so that I could get some, but now it's just down the street. mmmmmm

Yup. You sure can develop IOS code using C++. But I don't think not.yet has actually touched any code.

For those who don't want to click through:

I am in total agreement. I have a 2008 Acura TL and while I'm not sure if it's the same for the 2009, the key sequence to lower the windows is press unlock once to unlock the car and then press again but this time hold the unlock button and the windows will lower. You have to keep the button held but at the same time

Your post... it's so spot on. And while I was going to write about all 3 of the things you touched I think instead I'll just emphasize more about the first.

First of all I want to say that I wholly agree with you. Tablets based on their size and limited input options make better for consumption rather than creation.

They do support "extensions" but they name it plugins. You can refer to [en.wikipedia.org] href="http://lifehacker.com/plugins/">#Plugins

I agree. That aftertaste is what get's me. Also aspartame gives me headaches.

I don't want to get into another debate about how much better Android/iPhone/WP7/Blackberry is from each other. But I did want to interject a slightly different perspective on things.

It's not a stupid question, as it's a little confusing to us used to streaming stuff from our computers. But AirPlay is a little different. Instead of streaming from a singular point(your home computer) to any device on the network, it uses your media consumption devices (currently iphone, ipod touches, ipad,

Every once in a while, they go on ridiculous sale. I got mine for 47$. And it's amazing.

Mine matches yours except my Buffalo has dd-wrt. But they are both fantastic.

Yep. I have to agree with you. Sure I have iTunes, but only because I also have an iPhone. When I want to play music though, I only have eyes for winamp.

I want to also recommend this as the shiz. Once I got this set up myself, I wondered how I ever did it any other way.

Regardless of what the haters here are saying, yes this whale tissue holder is kinda awesomely cute.

Bwahahaha. Good luck with that.

Indigo Prophecy. A truly great, movie going experience in video game form. Made by Quantic Dream. You know, those people who went on to make Heavy Rain.

@trs: Seriously. Slow fire is very pretty apparently. I can see someone with a lot of money wanting something like this.

@dapper_otter: For serious. I heard "gross" and I expected words I couldn't pronounce up there in the top 5 ingredients. Nothing like that in the entire listing.