
I know right? My geography teacher (who was British so the accent made it more so) would say the meanest yet on point shit to us, like the kids who failed were “recycled”. He’d complain about the kids, other teachers, the office..he was everyone’s favorite since it felt like he was the only one saying things we were

Early 2000's fashion coming back, young’uns appalled by this? Good.

Maybe because I’m a 100 years older than Kara, I loved the cover of “Didn’t Mean to Turn You On” when it first came out!

But on the flip side, some surprise you! I hated Ethan Hawke growing when all my friends loved him in Reality Bites. I saw him on WWHL and he was such an affable and funny guy, I’m now sorta a fan.

I saw him on WWHL on Bravo and he was such a boring guest! There was no wit or personality, it was like he didn’t know how to cut loose. Yes, I base all my judgement on how well “stars” do that show! :D

Fellow biracial lady here, I’m still searching for that perfect match too! I’m actually fairly light skinned and often people just think I’m a slightly tan white person (why people think this is beyond me buts that’s another story!) but have some many yellow and red undertones like you. I always through make up

I see this type of thing time and time again..grandparents that helped out parents in the 80's-90's but when its time for the parents to become grandparents and help out they apparently have other shit to do, ok fair enough but don’t expect your kids to wipe your ass in 25-30 years.

Same here.

Have you seen his mother?

He totally reminds me of Cillian Murphy as well!

Before scrolling down, I thought he married that guy in the photo and that was their kid. I like my scenario better!

yep. :(

I know a few local people trying to get those “jobs” and despite being qualified those jobs are going to out of towners who went to the “right” school and have the “right” connections. The tech boom hasn’t helped the local stores I live around, maybe a hot spot restaurant or two thats been featured everywhere..

I believe you! I’m in the ‘hood as well, gotta watch my back! :)

Damn. Really?!

This. My husband is trying to break into coding and is having a hard time and he’s white, has a tech background but he is old so there’s that..but its the same thing for all who didn’t follow the “right” path. The talent is there these companies just have to take a chance on people coming from different backgrounds

You have just described almost to a tee (but she never banned us) a woman I once was friendly with!

To think Blake ditched her Travelling Pants buddies for a more press friendly 4th of July party..

My blonde husband was the same way until I showed him pics of Robert Redford and Crocodile Dundee, blonde men have a tendency to turn into catcher’s mitts!

Douglas is the rare case of the boys “stealing” a girls name instead of vice versa, I can’t think of any others!