
I’m very jealous that you can look at her hairstyle and think its easy to maintain!! You should go for it and I, curly hair frizz ball, can live through you!

My daughter has a “Susan” type name, neither here nor there in the top 1000 after giving my boys names that out of nowhere became super popular.

Dude, two of my kids names are in the top ten, I thought I was the only one who would love these names..I was ahead of the curve by 5 years so my kids are older than most kids who have the same name, so its a small comfort but yeah, I are a failure too :D

Jane is being used a lot these days, go for Linda.

I just posted the same thing! I should have scrolled down!

You grow up loving certain names because none of your friends were named them and only old people had them and they were cool as fuck and now you’re pregnant and want to use those names, so you do and then maybe a year or so later you realize everybody had the same experience!

I love Shannon as a boys name in fact I love a lot of names that were traditionally for a boy like Courtney and Lindsey, maybe because they remind me of rock stars.

Seriously. Next time my kid nags me for the time, I’m just going to say that..well maybe not..knowing that kid he’d probably take me at my word.

Whoa. Wasn’t she like just 13 yesterday?!

I do my best! :D

Your mom may be my mother in law.

Nah, I was only kidding, it’s just that people get really smug about being anti-Barbie and I thought “well why not apply that smugness to other toys and post about it.”

Seriously! I was thinking the same thing!

I totally agree. I sew as a hobby and make dresses for my daughter and fabric is not cheap! I could buy a dress for $10 and call it a day but I enjoy sewing and creating. I started having kids before “fast fashion” was thing and yes, clothing was expensive so we just had less clothing. Kids have always grown fast.

Did the same with Hot Wheels. Cars suck and my kids don’t need to be playing with mini versions of polluting death machines. I’m also glad my son doesn’t like superheroes, Batman is no role model.

i like the cut of your dad’s jib!

Hmm, this is why I’ve never been to Outside Lands despite living down the street from GG park.

Thats too funny, how much did he get paid if you don’t mind me asking!

My aunt does this, I had to finally tell her it seems like she is pissed at me all the time!