
So weird to see beards on men from that era!

I clicked on that NYmag link about the outdoors look being in style, it was dated Jan 2010! Interesting the trend is still going strong, I wonder what’s up next for mens fashion..I’m hoping for feathered, center parted hair!

Thanks for this, I had my first at 22 and I feel that articles (not this one) these days focus on the 35+ first moms, not all of us do these in the “right” order ie. get that great career and then a have a kid when you are established, sometimes your kids are all for the ride!

I haen’t seen that movie since I was a kid, but I remember loving it at the time!

My husband had non-hodgkin’s lymphoma, stage 3 in 2009, our son was 16 months old. He had searing pain in his stomach and after a few days he finally had a scan, his body was light up like a cancer Christmas tree. :( He was 35 at the time. The chemo is really rough but if your husband’s chemo is similar to what mine

I would go public transport with my kids so I ran lean and mean with a small cross body diaper bag, I had a diaper, a super thin folded up changing pad, a bodysuit/soft pants change of clothes and small bottle, if I truly needed anything else I would just buy it, but that really didn’t happen that much. As they got

I think you’re on to something, it seems really in style to have a bunch of kids now, even in big cities. Having kids that you can take artful pictures of, blog about, the “authentic experiences” of children, fits right into the DIY (kids, are the ultimate DIY authentic experience!) movement of late with people in

I have an Aidan, its sucks that its popular but anytime you *think* you’re choosing a name that isn’t used much like Aidan (17 years ago for me) or Oliver, Ruby ( we know a few of those) ect, most likely people the same age as you are having the same thoughts!

My pick too, and I now have a 16 year old and all the other Aidan’s are like 5-15 years younger than him! It used to bother me but now I don’t give a fuck, I loved that name since “Desperately Seeking Susan” when I was 7!

I hated how the celebrity interviews got longer, I don’t care about what so and so does to unwind/views on life/next career move, I cared only about where I could possible by their outfits.

Oh man those really were the glory days, I remember how I loved the issue with Milla Jovovich wearing a heart print blouse..

Mine too, thanks to being in my last trimester!

I was going to make a sleeves comment as well, I’m glad Is scrolled down! I hate the tyranny of the sleeveless wedding dress of the 2000’s (and beyond)

What people think is dated today is what our kids are going to love tomorrow. All this rustic DIY wedding stuff (which I love) is going to be yesterdays news when and if our girls get married! (I have a almost 4 year who digs big poofs)

I heard you on the radio yesterday and it was kinda surreal to hear your voice for some reason!

This is my problem too, add three picky kids into the mix and meal planning causes me to have mental break downs! We aren’t into beans either so that doesn’t help.

She kinda looks like one of the ladies from “Funny Girls”, Calise Hawkins.

I’m mixed and pretty light skinned and my hair is wavy/curly so I tend to “pass” (didn’t even now thats what I was doing until I was older), I too, would smack anyone who tired to make me or my 25% black kids prove it!

I live in SF and I’m all judgey as hell about that second photo! I can’t let my kids on our apartment balcony and I’m too poor at the moment/have no talent to take fancy photo’s.

As old mom, still in her 30’s (got a 15.5 year old and little ones), I will switch friends with you!