
That picture tho...gross.

Have SO MUCH FUN. Seriously.

British person here. We are pretty much rubbing our hands together with glee at the prospect of a Trump visit. Every comedy show is endlessly mocking him and even the newscasters are saying things like”we tried to find someone who supports Trump but we couldn’t find anyone” (this happened twice just in a week). He is

Jamie Lynn Spear’s ordeal is my WORST nightmare as a parent. The “watching your child in mortal peril but not being able to fix it” variety. I know we’re so quick to say “but she shouldn’t have allowed...” but honestly at the end of the day, peoplec said that shit about the poor parents who watched an alligator snatch

Do not allow your children to drive ATVs! They are so dangerous that actually no one should be driving them.

100% with you on this - send me all the info you want to send at one shot, nothing drives me more insane than having my phone go off a half dozen times to see multiple related thoughts that could’ve been done in one neat, clean paragraph.

True. I visit my dad during the summer, and I am consistently reminded that 95 degrees plus humidity is brutal. South Carolina in August is no joke

Cleaning, booking a carpet clean, and sorting/donating stuff we don’t use. We are goldfish—always expanding to fit our bowl—and need periodic purges.

Repressive social issues aside, I miss that aspect of life in South Carolina very much. I currently live in Wisconsin, and spring will be here in June

I have mixed feelings about the demise of the Ringling Bros. circus. While I understand the concerns for the welfare of the animals, it is undeniable that this circus has been a historical part of American entertainment for generations. Sure, some people may not have liked it for various reasons, but countless others

I understand your point. I live in northern Canada, up by Alaska and a traveling circus once visited our town. We are NOT a commonly visited place for fairs, circuses or any form of touring entertainment, even Canadian acts don’t come here. It was a BIG event when the circus came to town. As an adult I can look

They have those in the Southwest, Mexican circuses, usually no animals acts, just daredevils etc.

I’m weirded out by the level of detail and description you’re using. It makes me massively uncomfortable and I cannot imagine a world where I’d be ok with my dad talking about my breast size, them growing, or me being naked. I don’t like this at all and it’s setting off a lot of alarm bells for me.

What’s a “throuple”? I was really hoping there’d be a definition in the article, since I’m old and don’t know things...

Oh, what? Now all white people live in the city? What is it with you bastards? When is enough enough?

Chicago won the World Series in 2016, so there’s that.

Wooo last Craft Thread of 2017!!

At this stage of my life, being home with She Who Must Be Obeyed and our kids (Thug Life and Daddy Daddy Daddddyyy) is all I ask for.

Agreed. I don’t want to bury my mother nor do I want her to bury me so I truly feel it wouldn’t be a bad thing to call it a life right around the same time