
But he can step off making fun of Ina Garten. That woman is a damned good cook, and her recipes always work. You know if you’re using something she wrote, it has been tested to within an inch of its life and the results are reproducible. Sure, she’s privileged, but she owns it and she is good at what she does.

I just read the Awl post. No more Millihelen?! No more Kitchenette?! Those are two of my biggest reasons to come here. Millihelen was the only subkinja where I was an approved commenter. Guess I’ll find a new haunt, in time.

Behind Closed Ovens was my lunch read on Mondays to refresh and get ready for the most difficult classes of my day.

I don’t have kids, but I’d say your wife is on the right track. Learning to exercise and be fit for good health will benefit her most in the long-run (like, we’re talking life-long, not just so she’ll be popular in school). If you think that what your wife says about being healthy isn’t sinking in or she isn’t being

None of them were really grunge-types, though. It would *definitely* have been Ross’ favorite band. (I have very strong feelings about Ross, and they are not positive)

*ZOTS!* :)

You gorgeous! And that is 100% on point for Frida.

Her plan was to go into labor in American airspace, as opposed to in America? That seems very farfetched. Is there evidence she snuck in an IV with pitocin? What are the chances someone would just go into labor in a specific 12 hour window at 36 weeks?

Your 11 year old is my spirit animal. I’m always bummed when I’m not singing Lionel.

your 11-year-old gets it

Oh my Gob. Give to me.

you need to try her bruleed pumpkin pie! Seriously, i am obsessed with pumpkin pie and grew up on the Libby recipe, but I will never make it again. It is the most magnificent pumpkin pie i have ever put in my mouth, and the bruleed top!? it makes for exciting times and you get to buy a torch!

I find whenever I cook things in a crockpot they end up excessively oily? Maybe I cook them too long or not long enough but it seems like the oil always separates.

Plz share your Martha recipes! And crockpots do suck! When I was pregnant with babyjeans I couldn’t look at my crockpot or even hear the word without gagging. It should have been a sign to get rid of the same thing.

Devon Sawa: hotter now than then.

Otter was in Delta house. Omega was their nemesis.

Also the star of that show in my eyes was always Clair. Phylicia Rashad was so terrific, and Clair was so well written—even without the rest of the show, she stands alone as an icon.

Unpopular opinion: all cereal sucks. It just sucks. It is NEVER enough food and it’s sugary and soggy and sad.

FoxCatcher is amazing. Agree to disagree.

Actually, it’s Ms. Chanandler Bong.