
Dogs always look so cute in socks!!!

Ah he’s adorable! I used to foster dogs; I present for you a selection:

Awwwww, all dogs should be treated as the deities they are. He’s GORGEOUS.

Houndy rescues are the best! Meet Boo:

Adopted 12.5 years ago. She hadn’t been trained AT ALL—didn’t know “sit” or her name, but was potty-trained on the first day as soon as I busted out the cheese.

“Dobby has been given socks! Dobby is FREE!”

My rescue pups (Buster, on the right, was 24 hours away from being put down in a shelter when I adopted him, and I found Sophie on the freeway):

He IS handsome, and also adorable. I’m so glad you found each other. Many, many happy years together!


Very handsome! Rescue pets are the best! All my cats are rescues, and I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Thank you! She's in a lot better shape than when we got her - she's gained 20 pounds!!

Speaking of dogs wearing human clothes,

Any opportunity to show off my rescue girl!

He looks SO HAPPY

I'm an entomologist, and even I hate roaches. I make my husband remove the big ones.

I’m generally ok with bugs, but I hate car spiders. When I was a few weeks away from college graduation, my then-boyfriend and I drove down to my uncle Joe’s house where he was holding the family garage sale. We picked up some great stuff, including a 1930s typewriter my uncle’d found up in the loft of the pony barn.

I’m glad you actually stopped the car unlike the woman who just jumped out of hers (with her kind inside)! Also I live in Colorado and have never seen a cockroach and I’m not mad.

Hahaha! This happened to me while waiting in the car line at my son’s school. I, too, basically flung the door and flew/stumbled out into the road. If any car had gone by, it would have smashed ME like a cockroach. I took off my shoe and snuck back up, knowing I could NOT go back in the car if I couldn’t kill it.

I’m also terrified of roaches. So muxh so I couldn’t finish your story past “I’m terridied of roaches” lol. Unthread is another horrible story about roaches infesting someone's house. It's literally my worst fear. I obsessively look for them. I'd rather have a spider infestation than roaches. Blech!!

In NY, all landlords call them “waterbugs” to make it sound better? I called my landlord freaking out that I had 3 huge dead roaches in my shower and she was all, “oh no, they’re waterbugs. but they can fly so don’t be freaked out.” Too late.