
If the gossip is true, he's a lot more likely to be found on Grindr than Ashley Madison.

your name describes my life with three boys and I totally (rarely) put in the post it note.

The Post-Its matter the most. My mom wrote me little notes in my lunch when I was down, and I still have them. I’m almost 40.

Were you as disappointed as me that this wasn’t an article about Natty Gann?

Okay, kicking them off the train seems really extreme...BUT I gotta say I can’t stand groups of people who have zero consideration for others with their loud laughing...all races, all genders, all types. It’s obnoxious. I’ve watched entire bars clear out because one or more people think it’s fine to cackle at top

You’re going to have something called a Wine Train and expect groups of women not to get rowdy? What’s the point then?!

I car dance and my daughter gets embarrassed. I’m not talking about car dancing in the school parking lot or anywhere where people we know are watching. I’m talking parked at a stop light, chair dancing to whatever, she’s all MOOOOM I’M SO EMBARRASSED. Which of course makes me dance all the harder, silly silly Diva.

I was trying to find the words to describe how I felt. Dollar Tree = 100%


In my mind’s eye, I’m seeing someone yell “fire in the hole!” and hearing *thoop!*

On one hand, it’s good to have people discussing a miscarriage so publicly. Most people live this out in private without having much outside support, even though it’s a very normal occurrence.

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff

lol! i too recently got a grown up coloring book, and i basically never finish coloring a picture, but at least i now have a use for the ridiculous supply of colored pens i have bought over the years.

I do not understand why ordering off-menu is “fun” and “an experience”.

My opinion on tattoos is almost always, “Don’t.”

Okay, this all made some form of sense until the temps were mentioned. 68 is a warm house to me. 7fucking7??? That's fucking hot! I guess I'm not as cold a person as I thought.

They’re easy for me to avoid; they all live in Texas.

My MIL gave me Minion bandaids for my birthday. My 30th birthday. I think they make all MILs lose their minds.

That is brilliant. I’m going to inform my sister about that ploy.