
My mom’s the same age. My parents watch my kids, on average, once a month for 2-3 hours. You’d think they had run an ironman triathlon by the time we get home. And our kids are 12 and 8 and spend most of the time they’re there playing video games. My parents are wimps.

I am somewhat crestfallen by the fact that they’re now owned by mattel. One of my favorite things about the early (late 80s) catalog was the story on the back about how Pleasant Roland (It was Roland, right?) found a trunk with an old doll and all her fabulous clothes in an attic. I was 10 and obsessed with the idea

The scene where Miranda is as unglued as you ever see her takes place in her hotel room in Paris- not her home. Can you tell how often I've watched this on TBS?

There was a Briley in my son’s preschool class. Her mom was kind of weird and didn’t seem to like Briley very much. They moved away at the end of the year. Maybe it’s the same kid? I mean, how many Brileys can there be? (I’m kidding- Briley is a ridiculous name, so I’m assuming there are a shit ton of them.)

That is insanely adorable! My mood has improved considerably!


Closing on our house and buying our new one tomorrow. My house is currently a box maze in a sad sea of naked walls. I know it’s going up be great, but I’ve hit tge stressful point of wondering if we’ve made a horrible mistake that will leave us house poor and our children friendless. The rational part knows we’re not,

That was my first thought!

Landry looks like hell though.

I am going to Colorado tomorrow. I will definitely pick up Shia LaBeouf if I stumble across him.

I’m on my second mirena and it’s glorious. No periods and no babies for the last 8 years. It can occasionally be a little stabby, but it’s not unbearable. Other than that, I’ve had zero side effects.

I’ve got a big, fat, wagon-load of brags this week.I’m moving into my big, fancy, grown-up house in 2 1/2 weeks (not really all that big or fancy, but I’m moving out of a decidedly unfancy shoebox, so it’s big and fancy to me!), I scored a shit ton of badass chinoiserie antiques at an estate sale today,my husband and

It’s so you can tell everyone that you are special and went to this event.

Awesome. I was an ADPi at a Southern university for a couple of years until I got tired of that bullshit and dropped out. This reminds me of why that was a solid choice.

I watch Empire Records and Can't Hardly Wait at least once a year, and they are excellent. Do not besmirch their good name.

Don't hate on Old Navy! That's where I do my fancy shopping. I'm not even joking- when I need to step up my look from yoga pants and target t-shirts, old navy is my go-to.

But if you look around, there are several other guys in either shirts and ties, or in button-downs and blazers. At least he’s at a show and damn enthusiastic about it. I’ll take that over a boring frump that sits politely in his seat throughout the show, like he’s in church or something. Rock on, Chris Christie.

I like them because I like to see the behind the scenes humanity and banter of the doctors and nurses. Also, I like to see the happy endings, and the true connections they make with the patients. Nobody likes to see the deaths.

That was the first thing I thought of!!

Our house went under contract last week (yay!). We have yet to find a new house since our contract on our dream house went bust (boo!!). So we have to find something great within the next month or our asses are going to be homeless as of June 6th.