
It was funny enough that I’ll watch it again next week, but it remains to be seen if I’ll commit to the whole season. It definitely had its funny, horrifying moments.

My MIL decided she was going to give my FIL a “binaca blow job.” She didn’t realize you’re supposed to spray it in your mouth, not on your husband’s cock. So she basically sprayed fire all over his junk.

We live in the South, so everyone is Miss or Mr first name. I like it. It's familiar, but respectful.

I watch it every night before I go to bed. It gives me great hope for my later years.

It was TERRIBLE!! Never, in the history of film, has there been such a whiny, selfish, man-baby.

Oh yeah, that one was really bad. And I accidentally own it on account of I forgot to return it to the video store.

Are we going to get to see the dress after the big day? Because I checked out her collections and made a guess about which one you picked, and I want to know if I'm right- or at least close!

I’m way late, but I’m so excited I had to share. Now y’all have to know, I have tiny dreams, and it doesn’t take much to make me happy. But 3boysdad and I have been dreaming of seeing our favorite band in Nashville at the Ryman for three years. It didn’t seem like it would happen because tickets go fast, and

Amen!! My husband tried to quit ambien cold turkey. Two days later he was seizing in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor (broke his nose in the fall). Now he’s on seizure medication and I’m driving his ass around for the next six months. Do not fuck around with meds.

You should never be expected to pay to attend a (child’s) birthday party! The host pays for the guests. Kids’ birthday parties are lame- why the fuck would anyone expect guests to pay to attend? Especially since you're bringing a gift! And adults making a big deal about their birthday is also asinine.

Does doing it on the softball field behind the church count?

Me too! Recently rewatched 500 Days of Summer, and it's still great!

I loved that show. I found them both completely endearing, and I was genuinely sad when they split. I would totally watch it again.

A woman i used to teach with did that. But I can't really blame her- we taught middle school.

And what the hell are the brass things on the walls behind them? They’re either in a trailer or they’ve teleported back to some swingin’ key party.

Why are the Jenners sitting on my Meemaw’s couch? Seriously, where was that picture taken? 1962?

Maybe I got kinja’d? I was trying to respond to the person that said my screen name made them sad.

I would have dressed the cat, but she wouldn't even stand for the bandanna, much less the shorts over sweatpants combo.

I’m kickass in a multitude of ways. I’m also the mom of three young boys. That’s my season in life. It colors the way I see things, and gives me a million things to laugh about. If you see it as limiting, or an indicator that I see no value outside of my status as a mom, that’s on you, not me. I know my worth in many

Hell yeah, because those sumbitches were patent leather Mary Janes, and if you scuffed them, or tore the lace around your ankle socks, lord help you when your mama found out.