
Hey man, Footloose was the shit. Especially when you're six.

My collection was not nearly as cool as yours. The only ones I can remember are the cyndi Lauper, Kenny Loggins Footloose, and one that had Alvin and the Chimpmunks singing the Christmas song. But I played the shit out of them on my Smurfs record player. And choreographed some sweet dance routines.

I dressed my kid as Goonies-era Josh Brolin for his 80s dance at school last year. And the first record that I picked out as a child was a 45 of Cyndi Lauper singing True Colors on the A side and the Goonies song on the B side. That is all.

Mine are, so I love it!

Motherhood is long, college is fleeting- enjoy the shit out of it. You have lots of years to have babies.

August 5th. It was glorious!!

Best kids’ movie I've ever seen.

I like her. And I want to see her new movie with Robert De Niro (though I’ll probably wind up Redboxing it.) That’s right, I’m team Anne all the way. Come at me, bro.

How have I never heard of this? Isn’t that the author of “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler”? 5 th grade me is pissed to have missed it.

I totally get it. I don’t care about stuff, but I do care about the thought behind it. My birthday was last week, and my husband asked me at 11:30 the night before what I wanted. And he waits until the last minute every Christmas and birthday and just buys some meaningless shit off the shelf. I don’t need anything

That might be even more delightful than the Duggar guy.

I didn’t think it was possible to hate Kirk Cameron more than I already did. But today, the showing of Fantastic Four that I had promised to take my twins to (I know, it’s supposed to be awful, but they’re 7, and they really wanted to see it) was canceled so they could make an extra showing of his new fundamentalist

My relatives on my dad’s side are some good old, cow-raising, county-fair-clogging, bad-teeth, mullet-and-gun-loving, country trash. When my great aunt died, one of her sons leaned over the casket, bawling and wailing, and kissing the corpse. Then her casket was carried out by her pall bearing teenage grandsons, who

Hey, with boys, keeping them alive and keeping them fed is half the battle! So you’re already winning. If you’re also earning some extra credit with a post-it here and there, you are super winning!

Considering that my Facebook feed is made up largely of suburban white moms, I see this shit all the time. But I did draw a monocle and a mustache on the ziplock bag holding my kid’s nutter butters (one time) so his cookies could be dapper. And I occasionally toss in a post-it that says “have a great day!” Obviously I

My kid’s sixth grade teacher encourages kids to be on Twitter so they can get her tweets about class. Fuck that. He’s 11- He's not getting a Twitter account.

Every night that my husband conks out on the couch while watching tv, I get so excited because I know the bed is mine, alllllllll mine. I used to wake him up, but then I realized I was a fool.

Me too.

YES!! I bought it off Amazon last year and it was SO WORTH IT! Natty is perhaps even cooler and more amazing when you appreciate her as an adult. And when John Cusack kisses her right before he gets on the train, sigh..... Still just as dreamy as when I was nine.

That's a good man. You should definitely keep him.