
Right? I don’t really believe in Hell, but if it exists, telling the pope to shut up will probably get you there.

I feel like that has to be an Office Space reference. There’s no way that this guy is under the illusion that anything about him is gangster.

My kid can do it. I’m buying him a bikini!

They don't even sound like Mumford and Sons anymore. They sound like Coldplay. So maybe a bunch of Goop look-a-likes and Jennifer Lawrence wannabes will attend.

I have arms the length of a toddler’s! I don't think I could do this if I was a size 0. T-Rex hates belly button challenge.

Why would a baby need perfume? They smell glorious. Children, on the other hand... I would have hosed down my dirty, sweaty backyard little boys with some kid cologne if I had it!

I wish I could have bottled the scent of my babies at about a year old, just up from a nap. I know that sounds totally creepy and weird, but they smelled so good. I would snuggle with them after their naps and just breathe them in. Now they smell like dirt and wet dogs.

I'm barely middle class, and I've always thought it was tacky.

Rania’s kind of reminds me of Sailor Moon. I'm not sure why.

The fact that you worry about doing everything wrong generally means you're doing most of it right. I know that sounds trite, but it's true. If you love and care about his well-being to the point that worried about reading him the wrong books, then I promise you, you have all the important stuff covered. You will

Your screen name is fantastic!!

This is completely stupid on so many levels. First of all it’s a TV show. Second, if you’re so worried about spoilers, don’t read articles that reference the show! Third, hearing one minor detail that is not a critical moment, or a major reveal of any plot twist, does not spoil anything. People that expect the entire

She also doesn’t seem to age. That 70s Show went off the air probably 10 years ago, and she looks exActly the same.

Hot Donna could be confusing if you don’t watch That 70s Show reruns every night like I do ;) I can’t see her in any role other than Donna. And it adds a fun twist if you pretend it’s the same character!

I’m only two episodes in as well, so I’m not sure how I could have spoiled it for you.

I can't tell you, because it might spoil all of That 70s Show.

Well, you should probably completely avoid the entire internet until you've seen every episode, lest something get past your strict standards of spoiler.

Sorry, I didn’t realize that a plot line that’s been a central focus of the show for the past two seasons could be considered a spoiler.

I wish I was watching it, but that’s a post-kid bedtime show. My eldest almost wandered in during a hot Donna/Piper oral sex scene last night. That would have been a bit awkward to explain.

I’m going to send her my gently used Zoku quick pop maker. My sister gave me one, and all it’s doing is taking up space in my cabinet as it is a big pain in the ass.