
Jamberry has fucked mine up too. They're weak and peeling.

I use Jamberry some, but my nails are curved, so I have a hard time getting them to stay properly. I've had good luck using a flat iron to seal the edges. I let it warm up, turn it off, the CAREFULLY run it over the tip and base of my nails- and sides if needed. It's dangerous, and I'm definitely going to burn myself

My mom had the post-wedding blues after I got married. She had done the vast majority of planning it and preparing it. And it totally consumed her life for the five months between the proposal and the wedding. So for a few weeks after, she felt kind of lost. I was just sad that the party was over and all of our

I'm not going to jump all over you, because my first thought upon seeing the second picture was, "wow, she looks amazing!" Then I was saddened by the fact that we are so conditioned to a certain beauty standard that a girl literally in the throes of starving herself elicits admiration and envy rather than concern. I

Nope. He does not do it for me. I didn't even care when he died, and left poor Shailene Woodley heartbroken. He gives me no feels.

Wait, are you supposed to split burgers? Fuck that. Gimme mah burger, and get off mah fries! Nom, nom...

Sex, love, and the ability to weather shitty times together? That's pretty much exactly what you need to have a really good marriage. 12 years and three kids in, I find that the ability to be happy lazing on the couch together, making each other laugh, and being able to depend on each other matters waaaaaay more than

I've always said you should marry your best friend. Preferably there should be some love and sex stuff there too. But hey, if you can spend the next ten years with someone you truly like being with, even if there's no sex, your marriage will still be better than plenty of others!

The word "cooter" just doesn't get enough use. I prefer its cheerful, backwoods folksiness to the smuttier-sounding "pussy" any day.

I wish I had a great explanation for how we spent that much, but I really don't. We had a violinist and a pianist at the ceremony, but I found the violinist busking on the street, so he wasn't that much. I wore a dress from David's bridal. We had hydrangeas as the centerpieces, but we used the bridesmaids' bouquets

The maxi dress looks great! Good choice.

We had the one, and I was totally sure I wanted a second. What I hadn't planned on was getting a second and third at the same time! It turned out to be a blessing. (a chaotic, noisy, messy, expensive, energy-draining blessing) And for a while, I thought I might want to have one more. But then we got to the point that

I get it, I do, I swear. But my friend's little girl has the Lego Friends cruiseship, and I almost drool with envy. We are drowning in Lego Ninjago over here, but there's not a delightful pink and white townhouse, or charming pink RV in sight. I would like to feel outrage, but I only feel WANT!!!!

What about $17,000 12 years ago? Inflation has to count for something, right? That's at least $20,000 in modern days...

That would explain why my sweatpants-wearing increased exponentially when I had kids.

I can't stop watching this. Holy shit, the way his head and neck just get crushed into his body... It just makes my whole spine cringe up. Can you imagine how bad that hurt?

I swear to God, if I see anyone I know doing this on facebook, they will immediately be moved to my hate-read category. I'd say I was going to delete them, but let's be honest, hate reading is more fun.

This is proof that I have lived in UGA territory too long. I didn't even think about the fact that people might be FL. fans!! I'm so used to being in a town where people bleed red and black that I forget there's a whole world outside of this place! I'm impressed that their love could overcome their separate football

And her number of guests will be lower because everyone will be in St. Simons. Way to keep those costs down!

All the couples I've known in the past decade have picked their wedding date based on the University of Georgia's football schedule. I didn't because I don't give a flying fuck about football, and I don't even know when the season starts.