
I thought the exact same thing!


Damn, Molly Ringwald looks amazing. I mean, she's definitely had some help, but still.

Nooooooooooooooo. Fuck that. Did these people not read Behind the Attic Wall or The Dollhouse Murders? I can't think of anything scarier than a haunted doll. Unless it's a vengeful little girl ghost named Helen. True story: my sister is looking for a new house, and she found one she loves that bordered an old

I wanted to love it because I'm all about the folky-pop, guy with a guitar, happy song thing. But nope. 2 minutes 31 seconds in, I was like "okay, done with this..."

I've never heard of that! We bought her one today, so fingers crossed. If anything, she smells lovely! Thanks for the suggestion.

We adopted a dog last week. He's a year old hound mix mutt, and he's delightful. Well behaved, friendly, adorable- the whole family is smitten. All except our 17 year old cat. She is not impressed. She won't let him near her, even though he wants to be her best buddy. She started of giving him the death yowl, hissing

I had just given birth to pitiful, sick, tiny preemie twins. They were going to be on the NICU for months, but I was discharged after five days. The day I left the hospital without my babies, I was already an emotional wreck, but I was holding it together. My husband and I had stopped by the medical supply store to

This whole spending on average $172 for gifts thing- is that multiple gifts? One gift? Because if people are spending nearly $200 on a single gift then I am cheap. Like seriously, extreme couponers, I have 87 bottles of mustard in my garage cheap.

(shrug) I can't help it. They have charming songs with pretty harmony, damnit!!

Was it a bloody dead whore?

I could get into some Plain White T's. I can't help it, I just love them.

Huh, bummer. So when you see her in a little tiny no-name part on some tv show are you like "ha! How's your fancy acting career now, bitch?" Because I totally would.

Clea Duvall was on Better Call Saul last week, and I was like, "damn, whatever happened to her?" I loved her in But I'm a Cheerleader. I thought she was destined for more success than the occasional bit part.

I'm totally trying the bun thing tomorrow. What texture is your hair? Does it naturally dry wavy? (Not asking in a stalkery, "Im going to make a suit out of your skin" way. Promise)

Screw 'em. I'm not one to immediately go for the "they're just jealous" explanation, but in this case, I'd be willing to bet that the majority of haters are jealous. I mean look at you- you've found your love, had a sweet baby, and you're rocking med school? All by your mid 20s? Go, you!! That's awesome, and jealousy

Amen. I miss those days. Well, the pot part- we've still got pizza and Netflix.

My husband has been subjected to it so many times that he can quote lines from it. But he never complains, bless his heart.

That's right, America. He's a real gentlemen. I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it.

No. But I do need a beautiful blue tulle skirt. I mean, who doesn't?